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  1. F

    First Time Grow: Skunk #1 or Blue Cheese?

    Try Top44, it has the shortest flower time, and the easiest I have ever grown. Finishes in about 40 to 50 days. Great production smoke, nice buzz, it's no northern lights, but very nice mellow smoke. I added a little molasses about week two of flower, for one week then went back to Lucas...
  2. F

    Brown Spots, Should I be Concern?

    Kinda looks by the light color of the leaf and the high ridges on the leaf. It my be a nute defincey, I would first flush with ClearX or if you don't have, flush with distilled water. Then make sure you start with a fresh mix of nutes balanced at the correct PH between 5.5 - 6.2 or close. I...
  3. F

    2009 budget SWISS CHEESE grow

    Hello, I am new to this forum. I am in the process of finishing up a grow of Northern Lights + Haze. Started with 10 very nice plants, but due to my budgetary constraints; I opted to not cough up the extra $$ for feminized seeds. What a mistake, I now have only two very nice looking ladies on...