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  1. 4

    Left my lights off for 36 hours during veg??

    And they are about 2 foot tall, but there In 15 gallon buckets, need to veg them til like 4 foot
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    Left my lights off for 36 hours during veg??

    I accidentally left my lights off for like a day and a half during veg, I just put the lights back on veg time, will they hermie or flower? I'm worried. Thanks for the input.
  3. 4

    what size buckets should i use in a greenhouse?

    thanks. well we might not pour a cement flooring in. Its cleaner and nicer, but expensive. If we don't we will take a small bobcat backhoe and dig trenches and fill them with topsoil blend. I personally think the yield will be much larger this way, easily have 70+ gallon trench holes filled with...
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    what size buckets should i use in a greenhouse?

    well i will be bringing them into the greenhouse late april. I plan on sprouting the seeds in febuary. so from seed germination and to get to a good clone size maybe another 3-4 weeks.... outdoor harvest is ussually late september- october. they will be put in the greenhouse late april... so 6-7...
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    what size buckets should i use in a greenhouse?

    I have plans on building a greenhouse, space is not an issue, the ceilings start at around 11 feet and peaks at around 15+ so height is not an issue either. I was wondering what size containers do you think would be optimium? I will be starting from seed and have them transplanted outdoors in...
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    week 6 of flower HERMIE or what??? Thoughts Please!

    I have been watching them, i started to notice one plant looking wierd. now it is full of what i think small seeds, the others just seem to be going down the same path, they must have been pollinated. I have had a hermie before. If i rip the calyx open and go to the center its a small squishy...
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    week 6 of flower HERMIE or what??? Thoughts Please!

    yea thats what i'm finding. small little seed like things and as they progress they get bigger. but hermie produce or can produce seeds right? cause i have no just male plants. I think i'm going to chop them! I cant deal with this. u think i should, the buds ar decently filled in I cannot have a...
  8. 4

    week 6 of flower HERMIE or what??? Thoughts Please!

    so here are the pics. You can see i ripped open the bulky, bubbly one and inside was the seed looking thing. it has progressed from normal bud to bubbly. I have a feeling this has spread to everywhere else... The lemon desiel is showing some amber, i think i should chop. because when i rip open...
  9. 4

    week 6 of flower HERMIE or what??? Thoughts Please!

    its not really a protruding ball as much as that. but real tight bubbles. they just seem to be really bulky, roundy. Now most of these "questionable" are couch lock, which are a heavy indica, maybe there ripening faster? Most are lemon diesel which dont seem to have these characteristics. i'm...
  10. 4

    week 6 of flower HERMIE or what??? Thoughts Please!

    I will posting pics in just a couple hours, I know pics are a neccesity... its like long white pistels then when you follow the pistel down to the bud it is kinda greenish. It seems that the plants with these characteristics seem to be on the around perimeter of the garden. thanks for the...
  11. 4

    week 6 of flower HERMIE or what??? Thoughts Please!

    So its 6 weeks into flower and i have several different strains, some of the plants look really hard and hearty, like bulky, not like other plants that still need time to fill in, and it makes me nervous, when i rip off a calx from these and open it up I find a very very small seed looking...
  12. 4

    A little light entering the dwc bucket...

    I am just wondering if a LITTLE bit of light entering the dwc bucket is ok? I know it can cause mold etc.. The lid I made doesnt fit completely flush with the top of the bucket, its made of wood, and is slighty, slightly warped. It has about and inch over-hang on the bucket too. maybe i'm being...
  13. 4

    3000w trees!

    Hey Doublejj ! You said you vegged for 2 months, about how tall were they when you flipped the lights? And if I may ask, did you tie them down at all, or prune the bottoms as they got bigger? Thanks it would be appreciated cause I have about 6 plants & the same amount light and I was going for...
  14. 4

    Bud Sites Turning/Purple During Veg?

    They are AK48, Bubblicous, & Sour Cream all from seed... Yes I did flush them & used some clearex, they seem to be responding very well. They were very bushy and did not seem to have much vertical growth at all, stunted. I think I had nute lock out. They are growing very vigirously. The color...
  15. 4

    Bud Sites Turning/Purple During Veg?

    ok.. some stems are purple too and I know that can be caused by cold temps. Maybe i'll try shutting my exhaust fan off when the lights go off to save the heat...
  16. 4

    Bud Sites Turning/Purple During Veg?

    the bud sites of my plants are turning redish purple, Its kinda SOG technique so all the site are lookin funky... they are all in straight COCO... and i'm in veg stage of course, about 2 months now. its just at the center and only a tiny bit outward, its not the whole leaf or anything. does...
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    transport from coco to soil?

    Would it be ok to transplant my plants from a complete coco substrate, which is like hydro, to a soil/earthworm casting/peatmoss substrate? My plants are about 8 to 12 inches tall and i am having a really difficult time maintaining them in the coco. Would it kill my plants? has anyone done this...
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    Fox Farm Nutes for CoCo?

    anybody???? My plants are not lookin so good?
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    Is less than 50 watts per square foot ok?

    I would have to say that would not be enough light based on my research, basically the more light you have the better your yields will be.... If you ran one 1000 watt in that size room your plants will be much stragglier and the buds themselves will not be nearly as dense.... Its based on the...
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    Fox Farm Nutes for CoCo?

    I have been using Fox Farm Trio and they have been vegging from seed for about 5 weeks now. Is It ok to use fox farm in CoCO? I have been seeing some stress on the leaves and slow growth, its my first time and I have had some mistakes along the way but should I use some other CoCo specific...