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  1. AllAboutIt

    I use to but i still do too

    You guys caught all lies.
  2. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Sucks to suck
  3. AllAboutIt

    I use to but i still do too

    I get it, you people have some sort of stuck in your ass and a thumb in your mouth..must suck to suck
  4. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    O the joy of assuming. I'm done here have a good 1
  5. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Congrats on being an internet douche
  6. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    You have no respect. The internet has given you a outlet of which yiu would no pursue in real life. Stay blissful genius
  7. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Last time
  8. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Lmao!!! That's dried guttation. Would u like a beginners guide to horticulture?
  9. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Aren't you precious smh.
  10. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Here's another reference for you..thanks for looking
  11. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    I know its hard for some idiots like yourself to grasp the full spectrum of well feed's an fyi. Cheers
  12. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    Did the best tell you to use a bitch who left you as you profile pic..smh educate yourself a little more in do good work but im sure you are a lonely douchebag. Thanks for your input kiddo
  13. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    4 weeks but read well
  14. AllAboutIt

    Slippery Susan

    it's pathetic the lack of education and respect yall have..
  15. AllAboutIt

    I use to but i still do too

    I got some old gens from one of the best to ever do it in the UK.. Black rose always drips. I'm not squawking just stating what it is. Does anyone check sources or bother to click a profile befor having an opinion? I don't foliar feed past week 1 of flower