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  1. JayL88

    help with sprout

    i planted a seed after soaking it in water for 12 hours and only 24 hours later or so i got a sprout but it doesnt look right to me at all, ive grown a few times in the past and have never had a sprout that looked like this, some1 told me it was because the seed was planted too deep witch made...
  2. JayL88

    need help with sprout

    k added more pics
  3. JayL88

    need help with sprout

    i planted a seed after germanating it and only 24 hours later or so i got a sprout but it doesnt look right to me at all, ive grown a few times in the past and have never had a sprout that looked like this, some1 told me it was because the seed was planted too deep witch made sence but the...
  4. JayL88

    hands down best weed?

    im sure this question question has probly been asked 100 times but i cant seem to find any good threads on it, just want ppls opinion on the hands down best weed, i know before it was pretty much white widow hands down but with all these avialbe strains now a days... and ak47 always seemed to be...
  5. JayL88

    small/bad looking sprouts

    im about 80% its the weed lol but hell who knows, was pretty cheap soil
  6. JayL88

    small/bad looking sprouts

    i just planted 3 seeds a few days ago and got sprouts the next day, so the sprouts are about 2-3 days old now and ive grown many times in the past and have never had sprouts look like this, theyre really small, usually my sprouts will be about as thick as a tooth pick and about an inch high...
  7. JayL88

    do i have the right bulbs?

    messurments are: 28.5 inches long, 16 inches wide, 31.5 inches high i wanna grow 3 plants
  8. JayL88

    do i have the right bulbs?

    messurments are: 28.5 inches long, 16 inches wide, 31.5 inches high i wanna grow 3 plants heres a pic of the box
  9. JayL88

    do i have the right bulbs?

    im attemping my first grow using cfl's and just wanted to double cheak and see if i got the right bulbs. ~ heres a pic of the bulb i got for vegging: its a daylight 6500K bulb, 26W(equivalent to 100W) and lets out 1600 lumens ~ heres a pic of the bulb...
  10. JayL88

    is 2700 lumens the same as 2700k?

    im attemping my first grow using cfl's, i found the right bulb for vegging, heres a pic of the it.. its daylight 6500K bulb, 26w equiv. to 100w, lets out 1600 lumens, also says cool natural light. ~ i know for flowering u want a 2700K soft white...