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  1. S

    Cooling closet space growroom?

    its a science for sure. sounds like youve got a good handle on it. happy growing
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    Has anyone else bought the Super Closet advertised on Hightimes.

    ive seen the super closets that hes talking about. they are cool, but way over priced. its just a contained closet with a light fans. probably some of the other necisities are included. if you made your own you would have saved a lot of money. but dont be too sad you have a badass grow system.
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    First grow. 5 wks flower. Tell me what you think.

    it doesnt matter if it looks ghetto, the only thing that matters is what your plants look like. yours dont look ghetto
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    Cooling closet space growroom?

    i dont know what your setup looks like. but if its a normal door you can cut a hold in the bottom of it and fit a vent grate for it. they sell them at any hardware store and if your house is air conditioned then it will pull air from your house and vent it out through your vent hole in your grow...
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    what do you think of this setup?

    good work! never doubt the ingenuity of a stoner with some plants
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    outdoor to indoor

    im new to this but plants wont grow in the dark. they need some kind of light wether it be sunlight or a plant light.
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    Abuds Stoner Lounge

    good lookin pics, im a first time grower and this message board has saved my plants for sure. one thing i dont know anything about is bonemeal. does my plant need that stuff? what are the benefits?
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    side light?

    i have a box that is 3.5x2x4 ft i have 2 cfl fixtures with 2 bulbs each that are above my 4 plants. would there be any added benefit to moving one of the light fixtures so that it provided light from the side?
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    will this setup work

    your box doesnt look that tall, your gonna have to get a taller one or more likely make sure that bitch (assuming your lonely plant will be a female) doesnt grow too tall. good luck though
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    Water cure report

    you said the look and the smell were affected, but what about the high? was it different from the rest of the crop?
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    Very quick question of which i can not find the answer to.

    ive really been researching the methods of light cycles and it looks like almost everyone goes with the 18 6 for veg and 12 12 for flowering. so either everyone is wrong or pablo is the plant whisperer
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    should i start flowering?

    thanks for the advice guys. i put my timer on a 12 hour cycle, so hopefully it goes well. some of my plants were looking droopy and sad as hell but after i transplanted them they perked up within 4 hours. i just hope none of the plants are dudes. i hate a cockfest
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    should i start flowering?

    i just reppotted my plants, i had 4 to 5 in a quart size pot and discovered since i got on here and found people who know what they are talking about that it was way too small of a pot and i had way to many plants in there as well. i succesfully transplanted my plants into 3 gallon containers...
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    how important is repotting? what are the adverse affects of not repotting?
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    how many per container

    i just took some of them out and transplanted them into other containers. i didnt take them all out because some of them are pretty close together and i was worried that i would damage the roots of the plants. do you think that the ones i left will be worth anything with 3 plants in a quart size...
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    how to tie?

    right now im growing using some mediocre seeds. a lot of people argue about it and i was wondering what the general consensus was.
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    to spray or not to spray?

    thanks for the info you guys rock
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    how many per container

    so should i take out the smaller excess plants or just do it the right way next time?
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    to spray or not to spray?

    should i mist spray my leaves? im using an indoor closet system with flourescent bulbs. if so how often?
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    how many per container

    how many plants should i allow for one container? i currently have 3 to 4 plants in each of my quart size containers