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  1. psilocybryan

    One More Reason To Hate Ron Paul

    There were far more people killed in the second world war than just the eight(or so) million jewish descendants, and the other wars to this day have pretty much whittled to insignificance that number. I came here to read about politics, not a diatribe...
  2. psilocybryan

    So What Is Everyone Smoking?

    white widow, unnamed pure indica, and a widowXchronic named 3rd woman.
  3. psilocybryan

    is there anybody else i need to yell at?

    pissing off your 'friend' is as good an invitation to incarceration as I've ever heard. restrict their access to the garden and to the smokeouts till they get the freakin picture...then give the ground rules again!
  4. psilocybryan

    I'm never going to grow alot unless I use 1000 watt huh?

    extension cord increase power consumption. consider checking your power box to determine the amperage of the breaker. Extension cords can be a fire hazard, along with always being in the way.
  5. psilocybryan

    Enslavement-to-the-Health-Care-Sector Act of 2010

    ok, i'm old enough to know that insurance is a drain down which your hard earned money goes, until you need it. Then they tell you you have preexisting conditions and cannot have it. Never believed in insurance, period! but as I said I'm old...and I carry it. not because I want to. Whatever...
  6. psilocybryan

    jar curing help

    living in the PNW where the humidity never gets much below 50%, I hang branches for 10 days...the stems still do NOT snap, they bend. after 10 days hanging, I trim the buds off the branches and put them in jars. After this I open the jars for about 10 minnits every few days. When the grind is...
  7. psilocybryan

    Grow Tent Size???

    yessir if you are only going to take four clones for flowering then having four mother plants is a waste of space. four plants in a 4' footprint can produce more then you require...but why limit your success? having excess dried usable product is not a bad thing! Think of all the friends you can...