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  1. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    thanks man they are healthy but i think they're going to be males. I hope the heat didn't cause them to be male.
  2. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    thanks! they take a long time to get rooted but when they do grow fast
  3. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    i have 1 42 watt @2700k and 1 26 watt @6500k on each of my 2 plants for now i will ad 2 more 42 watt and 2 more 26 watt when they get bigger
  4. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    I think this lady will will disagree i think she loves 80 85 hell even 90 same plant bubblelicious day 22 23 24
  5. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    i have three total. I think i'll go to 12/12 and see what i have. probably a little early but i dont want them to get too tall.
  6. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    ok im going to let it grow then
  7. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    i just watered it today the soil was bone dry and the cup was lite like there was nothing in it. i let it dry out so the roots would grow. it has been like this since day 7 or 8 here's a pic of day 8.
  8. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    update day day 19. the other pic is of my other bubblelicious plant, but it looks deformed. will it be ok??
  9. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    like this (before and after)
  10. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    i see just put in a deeper cup and cover the stem with soil till its the right height
  11. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    If it falls over again I will tie it to something
  12. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    Yeah i wasnt sure about misting but im going to stop.The plant that fell over is already starting to stand back up. Im thinking of starting a grow journal because I might need more help as I go along. Here's a pic of the one that fell over
  13. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    Oh and i do have two fans blowing air in and there are a couple of hole for air to get out. Plus the doors dont make a seal so i dont think ventilation is a problem. The temp is is between 85 and 88. I mist them a couple of times a day, dont know if I should or not.
  14. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    Really guys thanks a lot for all the help! I've learned a lot about starting seeds. I think jiffy pots suck and Happy Frog while good for mature plants is not worth the risk for seedlings. What do you guys think about using rockwool cubes? They seem to be easy to use. Germinate the seeds first...
  15. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    Thanks ijustgrowGREEN:leaf: I had this one too far from the light but it had just popped and then over night it shot up like this, planted this one right into the Happy Frog....
  16. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    Yeah I know this strain is going to take a long time to grow I'm just not used to it. I just planted some Mazar-I-Sharif and i bet it over takes the bubblelcious in a week! Im just posting so that other people can kinda know what to expect if they grow Bubblelicious from Nirvana. This is a pic...
  17. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    Day 11:wall:
  18. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    Day 10 and I can finally see new growth!!! damn this shit is slow
  19. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    Pics of day 8 and 9. Can just barely see new growth
  20. rostenoc

    HELP! Bubblelicious not growing

    Thanks I will keep lights on 24 hours