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  1. BalloonFight

    The Best Way to Dry Bud

    So, after a long time waiting, i finally can harvest and dry my bud. Whats the best and fastest way to do this? No ovens/microwaves please!
  2. BalloonFight

    Fav Neil Young song/version?

    come on baby let's go downtown is great, ps greatful dead rules
  3. BalloonFight

    Fav Neil Young song/version?

    noice .
  4. BalloonFight

    How much Longer?! (Pics)

    what if i harvested now? would it not be smokable?
  5. BalloonFight

    How much Longer?! (Pics)

    so its not done, then?
  6. BalloonFight

    How much Longer?! (Pics)

    How much longer before this lady is ready?
  7. BalloonFight

    Chopping off 1 cola

    What? ive never heard of that... u sure about the headache?
  8. BalloonFight

    Chopping off 1 cola

    But its covered in trichomes, its just that the pistils are still mostly white and the trichomes are not amber, so it should be good right?
  9. BalloonFight

    Chopping off 1 cola

    I have a plant with about 7 colas, if I chop one off for an early smoke, will this impede the growth of the other six? and if so, how badly? Will it kill the plant? About 4 weeks into flowering btw...
  10. BalloonFight

    How much longer? (pics)

    it isnt smokable now?
  11. BalloonFight

    How much longer? (pics)

    just wondering how much longer until i can smoke this
  12. BalloonFight

    Fav Neil Young song/version?

    nice .
  13. BalloonFight

    Sick Plant! (PICS)

    week 3 flowering
  14. BalloonFight

    Fav Neil Young song/version?

    Mines def "Mr Soul", the version off the unplugged album
  15. BalloonFight

    Is this nute burn or deficiency? PICS

    More and more leaves are beginning to look like the second pic. They turn light green and then yellow and then get those spots. What could this be?
  16. BalloonFight

    Sick Plant! (PICS)

    bump ?
  17. BalloonFight

    Sick Plant! (PICS)

    What makes you say that its an over-fert problem?
  18. BalloonFight

    Sick Plant! (PICS)

    edited, forgot pics sry.