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  1. G

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    it is a waste using that much per blunt,try half is much and u will get just as high
  2. G

    sudden wilting plants in flowering stage!!!! help

    You may have hurt it bad when you bent them,can you see any cracks or breaks anywhere ? they almost look like they are drowning with to much water.this ,may sound silly and stupid to some but I talk to mine every day and they seem to like,I kid you not and Iam not joking.You should wait until...
  3. G

    Flowering Plants leaves turning yellow

    they should be done in another 2-4 weeks and it could be the buds are sucking all the nutes from the leaves,Ima new at this as well but I am told yellowing leaves are normal for some towards the end of the plants life.As I said I ma new here as well but you should wait for somebody else to...
  4. G

    Male or Female??????

    They are males dude,kill em
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    Can anybody tell me how long a skunk plant flowers for and also if it is 8 weeks and also when...

    Can anybody tell me how long a skunk plant flowers for and also if it is 8 weeks and also when it pre flowers, is that time part og the 8 weeks or does it make it 10 weeks.I am new here and not to good with a PC but I would really like some help,it has been 8nweeks flowering now but I did not...
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    A Watering and flushing tutorial for soil

    I also would like to say thank you as well,I was hoping I would find the info I needed here,Iam new here and I am not to good with computers and I do not mean ti butt in but I also have a few plants that will need to be flushed soon.The Trichomes are half cloudy and half clear,so if I understood...
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    I need some experet advice

    Hello Friends, I am new here and a new grower,I have some seeds and I would like to know the best surefire way to germinate them,I put a few between tissue paper and got them wet but nothing happened and it has been two weeks now,also where can I buy good quality feminized...
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    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    Greeting's,I am a new grower and one of my plants seems to have stretched,I had them under a 1000 watt HPS Light,they grew fast but I was told they are streched,so my question how do I get them to become bushy before I flower them.As I said I am new at this and can use all the help I can...
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    Hello,my plants have been flowering around eight weeks now and the pods which normally hold sees...

    Hello,my plants have been flowering around eight weeks now and the pods which normally hold sees are full of resin,do I harvest them now or do I wait untill they open up,there is hardly any red hairs on them also
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    Hello,I have plants that are a little over three months old and have been flowering for...

    Hello,I have plants that are a little over three months old and have been flowering for awhile,the pods on the female that would normally hold seeds,do they all open just before harvest or do I harvest them while they seem to be full,but there are hardly any red hairs yet,I know this may be a...
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    Red bugs and leaves turning color

    Hello,This is my first grow and it has been raining pretty well every day for almost two and a half to three weeks now,some of the lower leaves have brown spots and one seems to be totally dead;However I can see new leaves( or it is starting to flower)starting at the point where the leaf is...
  12. G

    Over watering

    I live in Nova Scotia and it has rained almost every day for the last two weeks,I have plants in the ground that are looking bad what can I give then or not give them to help them out untill the sun comes out for awhile
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    New outdoor grow, have some questions.

    Hello,I live in Nova Scotia and this is my first time growing,.I have four plants in pots and six in the ground,they are about six weeks old and the ones in the pots are about 12-14 inches high and I have them on 12&12 and the buds seem to be forming nice, the six in the ground are still in the...
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    How do I keep slugs and other pest away from my plants,I tried slugbait but a few made it through the circle,any ideas what I can do