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  1. gamecrip

    What is cloning and how do I do it?

    I have a hunch about what cloning is. But as far as I know it just makes all your seeds female. Please help. :bigjoint:
  2. gamecrip

    Help Me Please

    How do I steak my plants with wire without hurting them? My town has been dry for awhile hence why I'm trying to grow.
  3. gamecrip

    Help Me Please

    I'm a first time grower and I'm afraid the sun is killing my seedlings. I don't no if I'm just being over cautious or if my plants actually have any problems at all. So I'm going to post up pictures of them. I have three plants in one cup and five plants in the other. Tell me what you think.
  4. gamecrip

    How are my plants looking? pics inside

    The plants look great, how old are they?