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  1. Greengomadman

    1st grow - need help!!!

    get urself a hps light mate they arent expensive,and sum ionic boost and bloom that will help with the size of the buds,thats what i use and my plants get a great yeild from them
  2. Greengomadman

    clone lighting

    flourecent lights work fine mounted 2-3 inches above the cuttings.they give off good lighting and dont burn your plants ass they dont get hot like other lights,energy saving light bulbs work fine too but u will need 2 or 3 of them mate Cannabis growing indoors, 2000 lumens per sq. ft. is about...
  3. Greengomadman


    iv got them sitting under 50watt flourescent tube jst now bud,the tube sits bout 2 inches above the cuttings jst now,how long should i have the light on? how long should cuttings take b4 u start to notice roots appearing?cheers bud
  4. Greengomadman


    what lighting will be beter for my clones flourescent or energy saving light bulbs? what do i feed my clones? what are the lighting period for clones? any ideas. cheers guys
  5. Greengomadman


    What like is the bubbler for growing plants? Is it worth buying?
  6. Greengomadman


    Thanx man but am struggling wi hps(cnt aford it bud).i also sumtimes have the plant out in natural light as much as i can to,wouldnt that help? Im also looking for ideas on how to improve buds when they start appearing e.g what feeds are best for growing in pots? Cheers guys
  7. Greengomadman


    Iv jst put my plants under a 400 watt hallogen light and i have got a flouresent light standing up on its end so its glowing up the stem and its showing loads of growth they look great,i have a couple of energy savers running also.av got silver paper up 2 and i put the fan on for a couple of...
  8. Greengomadman

    Indoor Pots

    Whats the best stuff to feed plants that are growing in pots?
  9. Greengomadman

    Thai skunk

    Any feed back any feedback on how my plants are looking?av got a couple of pix up
  10. Greengomadman


    Anybody got feedback on the pix av got up let me know what u think and if u have any ideas that wid b sound lads
  11. Greengomadman


    Am using flourecent lights and energy savers and they looking good so far
  12. Greengomadman


    Im jst getting ready to put my thai-skunk plants on to flower,any ideas on how to boost the lighting as i dnt have a hps light?