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    Late Flowering Cheese - Problems?

    btw is greenhouse seeds cheese
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    Late Flowering Cheese - Problems?

    they still have a couple weeks, still dont use more nutes?
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    Late Flowering Cheese - Problems?

    anyone else got any ideas
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    Late Flowering Cheese - Problems?

    anyone got any other input? its been 2 weeks since i gave them nutes because i thought they were nute burn. should i put them back on nutes? im using BMO organics
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    Late Flowering Cheese - Problems?

    7 weeks 2 days. i think that math is right, they started sept 6.
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    Late Flowering Cheese - Problems?

    alright so i wont do any foliar feeding. you think they will be fine? anything else I should do. I thought it was nute burn so i cut off nutrients 2 weeks ago (which was also last time i did neem oil).
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    Late Flowering Cheese - Problems?

    i used some neem oil to prevent spider mites. is that the problem
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    Late Flowering Cheese - Problems?

    I got 2 cheese plants and their fan leaves have some burns. The bud looks fine but i was wondering what you guys think could be the problem. Thanks
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    Strawberry Haze - Is this nute burn?

    Thank you. Its my first grow and the strawberry has basically been grown under CFLs. I do have a 250w hps hydrofarm with attached ballast. I wish I didn't buy it, way too hot. Has anyone grown greenhouse strawberry and cheese? Should I LST? Top? Lollipop? SCROG? Also does anyone like my pitcher...
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    Strawberry Haze - Is this nute burn?

    Thanks for help guys. Do u think intake fan is a big difference? I just have a passive hole because I thought that was best, negative pressure or something? Also I'm using BMO organic nutes, if anyone has experience with those
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    Strawberry Haze - Is this nute burn?

    well i got a 250w hps that i put on it when i can, until the temps reach about 90. then i switch and put on cfls til it cools down. this is only temporary until i get my tent (4x4x6). i have a stanley blower, but the cabinet thing that it is in is not air tight and i dont have an intake fan...
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    Strawberry Haze - Is this nute burn?

    about 30 days in, i got 1 strawberry haze and 2 cheese, both greenhouse. i just started flowering the strawberry, it has female pistils, obviously bc its feminized anyways. tell me what you think, the tips are yellowed.
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    BMO growing noob

    hey man. i got a greenhouse seed arjans strawberry haze right now, im using BMO organic nutes and i think mine has nute burn. its about 30 days old and ive fed it regular strength grow it green and then it started to show yellow tips, so ive just been watering with regular water. its in fox farm...
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    who's fucking wit cheez??????

    yo im fuckin with 2 cheeze
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    is there such thing as too much light?

    would a 250 watt hps be better for vegging than daylight cfls? i plan on getting a 250w convertible MH soon
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    is there such thing as too much light?

    I have a little baby that is 15 days old (from when it first came out of the soil). its been under a few daylight cfls and it is looking healthy. I have fed it some BMO organic super plant tonic. i setup my 250w hps today and i was wondering if that is too much light for such a young plant. the...
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    The Great RIU LST Thread. Low Stress Training

    WI've been trying hard to avoid overwatering so I'm trying to get a feel how much to water it. Since its only 5 days from sprout I been using a spray bottle and poland spring water. I don't have a ph tester kit for water but I got a 3 way meter for soil. Its the hydrogarm brand. When I test the...
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    The Great RIU LST Thread. Low Stress Training

    I plan on training a greenhouse cheese plant. I'm gonna have 4 plants hopefully, 3 cheese, 1 arjans strawberry haze. So do you think I should train cheese over strawberry? I plan on training 1 to test it out (1st grow, been reading here forever). I only plan on vegging for 1 month as I don't...
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    The Great RIU LST Thread. Low Stress Training

    I was thinking of doing an LST on one or a few plants. Is it better to do this to an indica or sativa? Wouldn't a sativa have a bigger stem because its taller which means its easier to bend and go around the pot? Also, do you tie down the new shoots from topping it? Lastly, are there different...
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    1st setup, looking for suggestions or improvements

    Is a 250 watt hps enough to handle 6 plants? I would probably keep them small, flower early. Should I veg for 1 month? I was also thinking of LSTing a few of them. I like the idea, but I don't want the plants to take up a lot in terms of width. Maybe I should top them and lollipop them? Also has...