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  1. R

    Wrinkled leaves on clones

    Gosh Cashola, being liked they looked like some of the ends got cooked a little, other than that you seem to be having a pretty good grow at it. Wish you well on your continual grow there!!
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    trying to save a friends grow

    Fantastic Crow, absolutely fantastic. Good quick thinking and action on your part!!!Congratulations, hope it continues well for ja!!!!!
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    3 white rhino plants dying slowly! HELP ME PLZ!

    England123, My mind says nutrient burn, and my eye says some "little over watering" as well. I'd cut out any extra stuff you've been putting in there. And water it in straight and clean. Most soils will take a higher PH level and when PH does effect it, the whole plant seems to be affected. Wish...
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    First ever grow indoors UK

    Never Grown, I'm not from fantastic England, but a friend none the less! From the first picture you've put up, my mind says there is something wrong with your dirt. Not for sure the soil that England breeds, but it would seem abit washed out in places or mixed indifferently and not the right...
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    um weird

    Supernova, Couldn't say positivly, but it seeeeeems that it is water logged. Not an expert on hydro, but finding a way to gently dry them out, and then gently reintroduce back to the hydro, making sure the water level or pressure isn't to much. Hope you get her figured out !!
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    I have clone problems!!

    Sorry Bezzzo, didn't get here , but a few minutes ago. For what it's worth, this looks like the clones were taken from a plant that had been infested with mites or something simular, and then the illness (not the mites) passed onto the clones. It's a something I saw once before on some guys...
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    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    Hey Hole, Hope the peace of God finds you in his path.......................Tiddles BB
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    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    For what it's worth, don't own any guns , rather don't like em. Name came by of setting up my account the usual name I used,was taken, used to be a park Ranger many years ago, wife thought the rangerbob thing was cool, but threw in the 357 mag because Rangerbob it was taken, and it needed some...
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    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    Hey folks, good to hear some incouraging words here. As a real Jesus freak myself and having partk'n in the so called "evil weed", I suppose I could take a moment to express a couple of lives expirences, for what thier worth ...... Smoked it about five years, and then ,then one daaaaayy, it just...
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    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    Hey Skip, being the optimistic person, I'm willing to say 3 to 4 ounces. In a crunch, I'd say save those sweet leaves, tuck em away for a rainy one, and altogether mabey 5 plus oz . Anyways, Goodluck and good smok,ns to ya !!!