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  1. Rooots

    Hey guys, quick lil ?

    Can't get up the nerve to order seeds into the US, just a lil paranoid. I was thinking I could throw a few sheets on it to help with the first frost and also will be praying for a warm early Nov :blsmoke: And I have had really good bag seed before, Think of all the mexican strains acapulco...
  2. Rooots

    Hey guys, quick lil ?

    Cant exactly say when I planted it, But it was mixed in with other weeds at the time and somehow survived, I didn't even notice the plant till it was about a foot and a half tall. I sexed her 2 and a half wees ago and I could see the pistils but they were very small.
  3. Rooots

    Hey guys, quick lil ?

    Ok my first attempt at growing went very well till the sexing part, had 6 bagseed going looking beautiful, then all of a sudden bam 5 males in which i destoyed. 1 female. then 2 weeks into flower it turned hermie so not a good first attempt. Anyways back to my question. I threw a random seed in...
  4. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    ok so after a long ass few months I decided to let you guys know what happend with my lil ol grow. As the pictures before showed they looked as if they were doing great, then while sexing my plants I find I only ended up with 1 female..not bad but then...she became a SHIM....So by this time I...
  5. Rooots

    Best reflectors-Need help?

    you can always go to the dollar store and pick up some stuff identical to mylar , cant remember the name but its in the party section usually comes in like 2x2 sq or you can go to the camping dept of walmart and get a emergency blanket!!!!bongsmilie
  6. Rooots

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil

    Sup fellas, well I'm a first time grower as well and did quite a bit of research on the fox farm lineup, what I did was use "happy frog" when they were seedlings. Soil did get a little compact so I do suggest adding some perlite to the mix. Once I transplanted into 3 gallon containers I switched...
  7. Rooots

    First indoor grow! How am i doing?

    Looks like nice little setup, But be carefull when using cardboard just my .02, oh and dont give them nutes for awhile if the soil came pre ferted. bongsmilie
  8. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    :leaf:bumpity bumpity:leaf:
  9. Rooots

    help me.. [first time chick grower] questions, comments, anything.

    Be carefull, that can bring in unwanted pest, Just today I found a catapiller(waaay to stoned to spell correctly) who had built a fort in one of my lower nodes :wall:
  10. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    Thanks man! ooop time for another bongsmilie
  11. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    Ok guys well I decided to put them in flower, tonight will be the 3rd night they go to sleep. here are a few update pics so you can tell how they are doin :bigjoint:
  12. Rooots

    Worried about the filth

    Well said my good man! Il take a bongsmiliein respect :clap:
  13. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    ahhh yes I have gone through like 3 rolls since i started the grow! When do the plants start to really stink? I did put in flower last night but have started to notice the odor in the past week.
  14. Rooots

    help me.. [first time chick grower] questions, comments, anything.

    Deff gonna need some more light! With 9 plants you will not have the light penetration to get thru the canopy once they get bigger. Trust me dosn't take to long to get big. I currently am on my first grow and have 400w in a 39,39 area with 6 plants Here is a pic to show you how crowded that is...
  15. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    No its In a spare bedroom, dont have to worry about stealth Its only me and my fiance who live here and she is super excited about what we will get on the first harvest! I did lightproof the bedroom tho, window is covered in pandafilm and the doorjam is duct taped lol! :joint:
  16. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    my space is around 39x39x84 I do have a 20 inch box fan on a makeshift shelf to exhaust the heat a little then I have a small rotating fan as well. temps stay around 77 f sometimes get a little higher sometimes lower in the morning I normally see 72 f. Hope this helps... here is the exhaust fan.
  17. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    ok thanks. Oh and speaking of tiger.....random I know from a beach trip last year lol.......haha
  18. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    quick question. When I switch the light cycle when should I give the first dose of flower nutes? Right away or wait a few days.
  19. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    hey guys, thanks for all the nice words! Think I decided to go 12/12 on friday, thats payday so I can go get some tiger bloom and big bloom!
  20. Rooots

    First Bagseed grow!!! check em out

    ok guys so I just finished up transplanting the last 3. Also finished up on my ghetto closet extension haha not worried bout stealth so dont need it totally enclosed. I think they are lookin pretty good. oh last pic is of my security system!!!