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  1. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    Yeh it's an odour counteractant.
  2. magicSpoons

    PC setup

    And if you need to see more pictures of it, look at my thread in my sig.
  3. magicSpoons

    PC setup

    Thought I had forgotten something. It's 5 weeks and 6 days old.
  4. magicSpoons

    PC setup

    Hi, I've got a single Afghani Special female growing in a pc case, it's in the flowering stage and it's been LSTed so it's got quite a few bud sites on it. It's been on 12/12 from seed. I was wondering if it's small for it's age and if so, what should I do to remedy it. Any help...
  5. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    Update: Lower leaves are yellowing, I think this is normal for flowering though? I dunno if my plants a bit small for how old it is, maybe it needs transplanting into a bigger pot or something?
  6. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    Update, switched back to my 125W CFL, temp remains around 80 when the light is on. LST is working nicely those side buds are definteley coming on nicely. Not sure if my growth is a bit slow, maybe somebody could help me on that, might just be me worrying. Got some heat-stressed leaves...
  7. magicSpoons

    Sugar Blossom, CFL, Flower/Veg Cabinet

    Just get a clear sandwich bag and use it as a makeshift humidity dome, that's what I did and it worked fine.
  8. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    I live in England and I went down south to Cornwall. Went surfing and bodyboarding most days when it was sunny, good fun. Apart from one day where my friend got stung by a weaver fish and her foot swelled up like a balloon lol. Yeah I was pretty pleased to find my plants were still alive when...
  9. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    Yo peeps. Been on holiday for a week, totally neglected the plants, I just overwatered them and put them in trays full of water and left them. Anyway I got back today and discovered a healthy female and two males. Killed the males and now I have one big nice female in there. Luckily it's...
  10. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    Hi guys and gals. Some pics for you. Starting to LST, I thought three nodes would be enough, so long as the roots arent ripped out: The one tthat was burnt by the bulb has recovered pretty quickly, showing what a hardy plant this is:
  11. magicSpoons

    Comparing PC fans for exhaust

    I guess it depends if you're going for stealth or not, 28dba is fairly loud and someone might wonder why the PC is so noisy, and in a PC case you probs don't need such a high CFM rating but it's a good price. I have two Akasa ultra quiet 8cm fans, 1800RPM, 25.4 CFM and 18dba which do nicely...
  12. magicSpoons

    Sugar Blossom, CFL, Flower/Veg Cabinet

    It might be the camera angle but Plant A seems to have one huge leaf lol.
  13. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    Thanks, I probaly will use that next time. My mix was a bit thrown together this time around, it's 70% compost, 30% Perlite and there's half a cup of chicken shit mixed up in there that I had lying around in the shed. Next time I'll spend a bit more time coming up with my mix. Maybe even look...
  14. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    Yeh I don't know how I came around to deciding to do this in the first place. But I'm doing it now, and it is pretty funny shit, part of the fun is growing it right under someone's nose. People are totally oblivious. I don't think yield is gonna be that god this time, but next time round, I...
  15. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    Ok hereare the pics of the one that got burnt by the bulb, it's been totally FUBARed but it's still alive. There is some new growth coming from this side shoot, this will proabably become the terminal bud now: The other two plants:
  16. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    Thanks for the sub, livelife. Anyway, all is not well, last nite a bulb fell on top of a plant and it must have been an hour or two before I checked the box and found it right on top of my biggest plant. Needless to say, the plant got seriously scorched and I have had to cut a lot of dead...
  17. magicSpoons

    pc slealth grow 2 26w cfl

    nice setup, it is a lot like mine if you want to have a look. I started from seed though.
  18. magicSpoons

    Sugar Blossom, CFL, Flower/Veg Cabinet

    I'm a PC grower so I have a really small space, so I'm gonna be doing LST too. It benefits in two ways coz you get more colas and it keeps the plant shorter.
  19. magicSpoons

    First Grow: DIY PC stealth, 125W CFL. Help/Comments Appreciated.

    Day 17: There has been loads of new growth in 24 hours, it's crazy! I tried using both the 125w and the two 25w bulbs at the same time but it got way too hot in there, nearly a 100 so it's just the two bulbs operating in there. Check out the pics: This one is the smallest but it's...
  20. magicSpoons

    Sugar Blossom, CFL, Flower/Veg Cabinet

    Nice setup and pics man. I'll be watching this one. Scrib'd.