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  1. dcarfangnia

    what ya guys think

    red hair coming inn ;-) looking more frosty too!
  2. dcarfangnia

    what ya guys think

    thanx i wanna harvest this sheeet im thinkin another month or so???
  3. dcarfangnia

    what ya guys think

    just smoke a bowl of it wicked shit! :bigjoint: nice head change for it being premature
  4. dcarfangnia

    what ya guys think

    dispite the rain.cold and poor lighting conditions the buds seem to be plumping up and hold their "value" jus a update: the pic is over a week old. hopefull this shit is gone before turkey day yall think?
  5. dcarfangnia

    budding and strain???????

    yea this plant is small, planted late in the season.. its cool tho ..i got one across the yard up to the fence line ;) widdow you say? your the 3person to tell me that hope so! here the latest pix
  6. dcarfangnia

    budding and strain???????

    sorry for the repost my computer tweeked on me
  7. dcarfangnia

    budding and strain???????

    anyone what strain this could be? my homie gave me the seeds from the shop he works at but didnt know himself what they are.. what ya guys think? how much more time for NUGGETS OF JOY!
  8. dcarfangnia

    budding and strain???????

    anyone what strain this could be? my homie gave me the seeds from the shop he works at but didnt know himself what they are.. what ya guys think? how much more time for NUGGETS OF JOY!
  9. dcarfangnia

    what ya guys think

    i just want a Descent crop for Xmas!
  10. dcarfangnia

    what ya guys think

    so about? 6-8 more weeks? thanks guys!!
  11. dcarfangnia

    Outdoor Ireland Grow

    looks like shes gonna be one fine looking woman
  12. dcarfangnia

    what ya guys think

    how much more time on these ladies? how ya guys think they look? opinions? sorry for the big pix
  13. dcarfangnia

    Tea from Clippings

    my dad said in his younger years that he would make tea with the leafs and steams.. i havent comfirmed that taste nor high... but he said it worked.
  14. dcarfangnia

    Nirvana Experience?

    i would like to know myself...
  15. dcarfangnia

    10 Females Flowering???

    yea the mid west is alil more harsh for a outdoor grow that just make you the better man.. summer i grow outdoor and winter indoors.. nuggets year round ;-)
  16. dcarfangnia

    10 Females Flowering???

    im out here in cali mine are looking the same too
  17. dcarfangnia

    First time set-up what do you think?

    if anyone buys it post feedback, I may consider....
  18. dcarfangnia

    when does flowering outdoors start?(help asap plz)

    yea in cali too? i think oct.?
  19. dcarfangnia

    SERIOUS UNKNOWN PROBLEM, please help! *with pics*

    the heat from the shed killed em.. you can tell they got cooked
  20. dcarfangnia

    Smoke then drink, or drink then smoke?

    drink then smoke always