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  1. tbay84

    HELP 18hrs darkness during 12/12

    Hey guys my timer went out and my plants got 16 hrs darkness when supposed to be 12/12 what do i do!!!:o
  2. tbay84

    How much longer do these have!?

    my plants are indoor and they are under a 150 watt hps, and luda what do you mean by pollianted satvia
  3. tbay84

    How much longer do these have!?

    hey i am four weeks into flowering but the buds dont seem that big..... also should they be covered in crystals? Am i doing this right?
  4. tbay84

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    these are both 4 weeks into flowering!!! tell me watcha think!:weed::clap:
  5. tbay84

    uvb is it necesssary for floweing!?

    just wondering if uvb work for producing more thc and if so is it worth the money to use?
  6. tbay84

    Whats the best way to trim your plants during flowering i need HELP!!

  7. tbay84

    Need Any and All Suggestions If you View,please comment!!

    Hey all back again and its week 4 of flowering( master kush smaller one and grapefruit diesel big one!) i have just added some fox farm fruit and flower and i woke up the next day and found crystals on the leaves! So with that said you guys have helped me thus far and it is greatly appreciated...
  8. tbay84

    Im Flowering!! Please help me out!!

    Thanks guys for your advice, but i do have one more question, on the smaller master kush plant on the blottom leaves some of the new growth turned black at the tip and curled , when that happened i immediatly cut those off, i was wondering what that could be and how i might be able to fix it if...
  9. tbay84

    Im Flowering!! Please help me out!!

    So i am two weeks into flowering and i don't know what to do now, what nutrients should i give it, do i flush it, do i flush it with molasses? What do i do i need help guys i got white hairs all over the place and i wana make sure i get a good yield and a good thc presence, help me out, all you...
  10. tbay84

    first grow flowering??

    so i am in week one of flowering, i do not know if i should flush or not!!? i have been using fox farm grow big and fox farm fruit and flower.
  11. tbay84

    18/6 or straight to 12/12

    thanks man i will totally do that, but,now how much should i be using to water it each time i feel like the 2cups i am using every other, day isn't enough.. also what are the best nutes to be using at this time besides fox farm grow big?. all advice on anything is greatly appreciated. thanks...
  12. tbay84

    18/6 or straight to 12/12

    my cfls fell on my plant and were on the for a good hour
  13. tbay84

    18/6 or straight to 12/12

    i am on 24/0 rite now and i dont know if i should switch.. ill post some more pics tell me what u think!
  14. tbay84

    18/6 or straight to 12/12

    hey cmon guy almost 30 view and one reply help me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  15. tbay84

    18/6 or straight to 12/12

    well the diesel is a bent and fimmed plant maybe a reason to look that way but i know when to water i just need to know how much bro
  16. tbay84

    18/6 or straight to 12/12

    Alright guys so here is where i am at, i have two 32 watt 5000k cfl and a 150w hps, i Have a grapefruit diesel and a master kush plant. so i want to start flowering but i don't know if i should ease the plants into 12/12 by doing 18/6 or just switch to 12/12. Also i was wondering how much i...
  17. tbay84

    what do i do

    hey i have two plants i got a grapefruit diesel with about 20 or more tops and a master kush with like three, i have two 26 watt 6500k 2 35 watt 5000k and one 28 watt 5500k cfls. Should i thow them into flowering and will those lights be enough?
  18. tbay84

    Master kush FIRST GROW Need help

    hey guys i am new to this growing thing and have just recently picked up a master kush clone. i have had it for about a couple weeks now and it has stayed relatively the same size should i fim or top it to make it speed up a little bit or what should i do any advice on this would help, i am a...