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  1. 1994

    Cut or not?

    Time to cut let or not?, haven't kelpt up with the weeks..
  2. 1994

    is this a good way to hang and dry?

    After dry, i put them in jars to cure for a week or so right?
  3. 1994

    is this a good way to hang and dry?

    LOL thanks guys and yeah lot of work, 1st timer didnt know any better, how long do you let it hang, 1 or 2 weeks?
  4. 1994

    is this a good way to hang and dry?

    ive started to hang buds from 2 of the plants
  5. 1994

    Are they done yet?

    I post pics about month and a half ago, people said around another month before they done..
  6. 1994

    How much more time you guys think, 1st timer!

    Thanks i did notice that one must be a hermie thats the only one that has balls under the stems , can i still just grow it and keep it away from the others?, and if so how far should i have it apart?, there in pots so easy to move.
  7. 1994

    Welcome New Members!

    Love the site!, ive just started posting but ive been a member for lil over a year, allways felt kinda odd talking about things on the internet like this , being that i know u can use people IP addess to find more info about them lol
  8. 1994

    3 plants 1000watts 5x5 area. guess the yield

    Im guessing about 250-300g, but needs more time to tell
  9. 1994

    How much more time you guys think, 1st timer!

    anymore info?, but i was kinda fig thats about how much longer i had..