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  1. H

    Leafs Turning Yellow

    tnx man.i hope it works,it seems that i should give them a little bite K & Mg.i'm dying with them:(( :peace:
  2. H

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    my plants are dying:(( help's my first attempt in growing these plants. i don't know really what is wrong with them.the leaves are curled and the tip of them are turn into yellow.they are only few weeks old:(( i tried to upload a pic but i couldn't find my camera...:(( (((these...
  3. H

    Leafs Turning Yellow

    my plants are dying:(( help's my first attempt in growing these plants. i don't know really what is wrong with them.the leaves are curled and the tip of them are turn into yellow.they are only few weeks old:(( i tried to upload a pic but i couldn't find my camera...:((