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  1. T

    Removing damaged leaves??Yes or No!?

    Your logic seems sound to me, tho I'm no pro for sure. I'd chop 'em.
  2. T

    Carbon Filters. How often do they need changing?

    Hello Depends on the filter, odour and how many cfms your pullin. For example i have a can-fan 33 inline fan/filter combo pulling +/- 152 true cfm. It's rated for 1-1.5 years. If I had a more powerful fan it would shorten its life considerably. Less powerful would do the opposite. Very...
  3. T

    Odour Question...

    Is it safe to place neutralizing agents (eg Ona etc) inside the grow room? Will the plants be affected at all? (i.e. taste or scent) Any response will be appreciated. Thanks all! :peace:
  4. T

    Anyone used "Air Sponge"?

    Has anyone had any experience using this odour neutralizer? As far as I can tell it is the same concept as Ona.
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    Lazy Seedlings

    DRK, My babies are doing the exact same thing. I have 4 seedlings 1 1/2 weeks old in rockwool needed to be staked up because they are floppin'. They stretched from bein on my window sill for the first half week, but are now under a nice, warm MH but lay nearly horizontal when the stakes are...
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    Little Girls Won't Learn to Stand

    Tahoe, you're a Genius! Off to get some earth tomorrow! It had crossed my mind, but wasn't sure about combining soil with alternative mediums. With your confidence, my mind is made up! Hypothetically though, if they were left as is, what could solve this issue? Has anyone had any...
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    Little Girls Won't Learn to Stand

    Thanks for your advice man but... here's the kicker... Rockwool. I know I probably shouldn't have chosen this medium for my first grow, but I happened to have 'em handy and have read good things about it. Sprouted in cubes and were moved into 4" and was planning on slabbing them all. Bit of a...
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    Little Girls Won't Learn to Stand

    Stakes will not be removed. In time, I hope they get chubbed up because i'm gettin worried about the increased top-heavy weight, you know? They're growin up quickly but the trunks are stayin slim...
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    Little Girls Won't Learn to Stand

    First attempter and poster here. Would appreciate any help from your wells' of knowledge... Here's my prob: I have four seedlings 1 1/2 weeks old about 4" tall and on their way to their 2nd true leaves. The first half of their lives were spent on a window sill only receiving about 3 hours...