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  1. commonbean

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Hi, I am having issues with my plants in the flower room. The air temp is around 65, water is 63 degrees. Nutes PPM is at 1050. I have 18 plants under a 1000W lamp on a mover. Nutes were at around 900ppm, but plants were showing signs of Mg deficiency, so I added the low dose of CalMag...
  2. commonbean

    HELP --- My clones are wilting

    Thanks everyone. I have managed to get the temp down, but still need to throw a air conditioner in there. I'm getting a cheapo window unit today, that should do it. They are all standing up now though. It's crazy how quickly they respond to a change in conditions. When it gets too warm they...
  3. commonbean

    HELP --- My clones are wilting

    Here are a few pictures of my situation. The first is a picture of all 3 of my clones under the 250w HID. When I went to bed last night all three clones looked like the last one in this picture. The second pic is the best looking clone. It stood up over night and almost looks back to...
  4. commonbean

    HELP --- My clones are wilting

    Update: One of my clones is completely upright and back to normal, and the other two are standing up and getting close! We survived the night! I just barely have rooting starting in the cubes. Should I add something like AN Jumpstart like JSNTexas mentioned? I'll have pics soon.
  5. commonbean

    Variety selection advice??

    Hobbes, if you check back in, I got things started today. Not off to the best start, but I'll turn it around. I, of course, let my clones get too hot today so they got all wilted. I brought the temperature down and got the air circulating in there, tomorrow I need to get the ventilation put...
  6. commonbean

    HELP --- My clones are wilting

    I already have a hole in the dome now. I started spraying them with a little water to try to keep the humidity down, but allowing for a good exchange of air. I have the temp down, it's not ideal yet, but is in the reasonable range. Got my fingers crossed that they make it. Problem is I got...
  7. commonbean

    HELP --- My clones are wilting

    Thanks man. I have gotten the temp down to 78, the light is now 6 feet up. I pulled them out of the chamber and they are now in my bedroom. Not sure how I'm going to sleep with that damn light going in there, but at least the light is farther away. So it's coming down, and it's cooling off...
  8. commonbean

    HELP --- My clones are wilting

    Thanks. Okay, so I agree I might have to use a smaller light. I'm having trouble getting the temp under 80. I just have a fan on them for right now, the ventilation system will be hooked up in a day or two. The problem is my wifes family showed up today, so I need to be discreet. So I could...
  9. commonbean

    HELP --- My clones are wilting

    I have the top of the lid propped up right now with a fan blowing around to circulate air. The lamp is about 4 feet above the clones. They are cuttings and I saw the first sign of roots this morning, but they are by no means well established. I"ll add some water to the medium and cut a whole...
  10. commonbean

    HELP --- My clones are wilting

    Please help. I picked up 3 AK-47 clones yesterday. I threw them in a plastic flat with the clear plastic dome deal over them. I have them under a 250w metal halide lamp. I'm sure I had the lamp too close. I had it at about 8 inches (it was all the space I had available) above the top of the...
  11. commonbean

    Variety selection advice??

    More questions. I'm researching what bins to use for my stealth cabinet. How important is the total square feet of my bins vs that of my cabinet? I have once again changed the dimensions of the cabinet. It will officially be about 25.75" x 35". This makes for a total of 901.24 sq inches...
  12. commonbean

    Variety selection advice??

    I just thought of something. The bin dimensions are not going to the be same as my closet. I may have to use 2 smaller bins in the flower chamber to maximize the useable space. I'm looking into this.
  13. commonbean

    Variety selection advice??

    Hobbes and whoever else happens along, Okay, so I'm a little behind on getting this started, but construction will commence today! I'm picking up 3 clones on Monday, so I'm hoping to spend all day today and tomorrow building. I've decided to go with a modified version of Gantz's stealth...
  14. commonbean

    Variety selection advice??

    Yeah, weird. I didn't have pictures the first time when you posted this, so I looked up gantz and stealth cabinet and found it. But now there are pictures with your post. Strange. I'm much more excited about this than I was cramming it into my little closet. I'm going to buy some...
  15. commonbean

    Lunshbox'a $31,000.00 Grow Room

    Oh, and now I have 14 posts, so I bet I'll be a better grower now than when I only had 13. And this makes 15. I can feel my growing skills increasing as I type.
  16. commonbean

    Lunshbox'a $31,000.00 Grow Room

    I love you guys who let your like 8 billion points go to your head. I know that some of you with a lot of posts actually know what your talking about, a lot of you have helped me, thanks. But for the rest of you, points for making the most posts don't mean shit when it comes to growing or...
  17. commonbean

    Variety selection advice??

    Hobbes, The stealth box idea is great. I hadn't even thought of it. The plan has been to use the attic so I had no reason to consider this, but now I do. I like the idea of being able to create a slightly larger space for my grow. I have another, larger closet, that I feel more comfortable...
  18. commonbean

    Lunshbox'a $31,000.00 Grow Room

    Is this even real? Where are the updates?
  19. commonbean

    to tall now what?

    Check this page out: This guy grows in 5 gallon buckets, and wraps the branches around the rim of the bucket to save space and best utilize the light. You can learn a lot by reading his posts and asking him...
  20. commonbean

    Variety selection advice??

    Hobbes, For the next few months you rent from the owner, then you buy? Who is the tennant in the basement? No, unfortunately we don't own the house. I wish we did. We moved into a house owned by the same landlady who owned out last place. We've been living in her places for years, and she...