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  1. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    New updates.... Check em out
  2. goofybrah

    200 watt CFL distance ratio.....

    Use regular tap water from the sink.... Leave it out sittin for 24-48hrs so the chlorine from the water evaporates... Dont cover the water with any lids and Nutes boost up the plant alot and helps! But be very careful because you can damage your plants or kill them if you over use them.. Or use...
  3. goofybrah

    200 watt CFL distance ratio.....

    @THCLUV you can use as much CFL's you want... the more the better.. Daylight 6500k for veg and Softwhite 2500k for flowerin...
  4. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    So....... I accidently broke 1 of my CFL's that I barely boughttt :evil: but thats fine... Now I have.... 6x Soft White CFL 2700k 100w (23 actual watts) 1x Daylight CFL 6500k 100w (23 actual watts) 3x Soft White CFL 2700k 75w (20 actual watts) = 221 actual watts 1/2 Miracle Grow Potting...
  5. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    @pbbro Thanks bro! I will keep my eyes on them :) Nope I dont have a scope yet.... But im planning on buying some from Radioshack.. the 60x mag one!
  6. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    Okay so.... I just bought some more lights! :clap: I bought 3 more Soft White CFL's 100watts (23 actual watts)
  7. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    @OutDaCloset Maybe.. I only have the Soma Lavender x Cashmere seeds ... The rest are from clones
  8. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    @OutDaCloset I don't buy seeds neither :) I have a good friend that pollinates alot of different strains..
  9. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    @OutDaCloset Yup that one is from a clone... I also got 5x Cashmere x Soma Lavender females from seeds and 1x Purple Kush x Chemdog Sour Diesel :)
  10. goofybrah

    200 watt CFL distance ratio.....

    Have the lights 14-16 inches away from them...
  11. goofybrah

    200 watt CFL distance ratio.....

    Use fluros! They are best for seedlings and won't burn them! But you can switch to lower wattage lights until the seedlings get a lil bigger or put the lights higher. Seedlings are sensitive ....
  12. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    Vegetation pictures!! Vegged for about 8 weeks!:mrgreen:
  13. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    @Bobbyhopefeild Thanks for the help! Im diff gonna invest some money into it. Gonna put like 3 more lights!
  14. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    @OutDaCloset Thanks alot! I will update pictures on the way to harvest.... I'll post some pics of when it was veggin..
  15. goofybrah

    Purple Erkle 8 CFL's. When to harvest?

    Its been 5-6 weeks since I flowered it. Will the buds get bigger? When should I harvest? 1st Time grower...:? lol would appreciate some help! Thanks 4x Soft White CFL 2700k 100watts (23 actual watts) 1x Daylight CFL 6500k 100watts (23 actual watts) 3x Soft White CFL 2700k 75watts (20 actual...