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  1. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    I went pretty much to the chart on the back of the nute bottles. Only for like the beginning stages did i use maybe less then recommended. I didnt wanna burn my baby in the early stages. But after that it was very close to the chart. I did not keep a record of how much i used on a calender. I...
  2. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    Speedbag, When using the areogarden pump over a long period of time can cause stem rot due to being wet at all times. So we substitute a airstone inside to bring oxygen to the root system. Axlrose, as you may know you can grow you're MJ plant any size you want with topping ,scrog and LST...
  3. C

    Kippers grow journal

    Nice setup you have going. Looking forward to you're progress. You are doing everything perfectly from what i have seen. And shake them titties!
  4. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    Well i took the seed from the Lowrider Ganja bag. But i dont think it was. So no, i have no idea what it is. Other than a great first harvest. Since i havnt smoked in so long. I have no idea the quality. But it gets me pretty high. I normaly just hit a bowl in my bubbler. And that gives me a...
  5. C

    how much weight and how many?

    Pretty happy with my result. 5 ounces. Althou it was a beast.
  6. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    Just got around weighing my out come. Small jar curing with the Orange and Vanilla weighs in at 1.25 ounces. Big jar weighs in at 2.15 Ounces. The one with the lid that flips up weighs in at 1.60 Ounces. Totaling at 5 ounces. Plus i have smoked some as well. That is quite a lot. I am set...
  7. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    I have it on the PC Sicc, Steam name is Cardinal_Syn. I normaly buy PC games , althou i do have an xbox.
  8. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    Ya, i'll try and sneak a scale from work one day. I opened the jars last night and they were all damp again. So i let them sit open all night. Back to outside crispy feeling again.Still havnt cut up any oranges last night for a flavour cure. To busy playing Modern Warfare 2.
  9. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    Well i had no sprayers, What i had was a AeroGarden. Its a product made for vegtables and herbs/spices. The Aerogarden comes with a water pump to flow over the pods. But i did not use that. What we use is a airstone inside the water Res. And the airstone was on 24 hours a day. Hope that helps ya.
  10. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    Ok i cut up my baby and made sweet nugs out of her. Stuck her in some jars and going to cure them for a bit. I had to stick them in the jars since i live in a very dry climate. They were already turning crispy. I bought some stuff to just try and experiment. I thought about flavour curing 1...
  11. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    Here she is after 5 hours of work. I thank her for all she has given me. I will use the undevoloped sections for butter or oil for food. I still think she may have turned hermi on me in a few locations. It kinda looks like very beginning of seed growing in a few area's. I dont know for sure...
  12. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    The time has come to put her in the stasis of 48 hours of darkness. Shes been fun. Here are a few pics before her slumber. I'll be waking her up gently with some Stick Figure playing in the back round on Saturday. Only 2 more days! And then for Harvest. Gotta love November and Thanksgiving...
  13. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    Think my lady just turned into a Shemale. :P Not totaly sure but i think she went hermi on me. I have provided photo's to help determine. It looks like early seed production. What you are looking at is the middle Bud area where i had cut through the flower accidently and noticed these...
  14. C

    My First AG

    That's what i am doing. Wednesday Night she is going dark till Saturday Morning.
  15. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    Check that out.
  16. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    A bit late,but better than never!
  17. C

    leova's CFL Wal-Mart Grow

    From what i understand you dont wanna rush you're cure. It will take weeks to cure. I am assuming you let them hang dry for a few days. After that you want to cut them up into buds and place them into the jar and seal it. Burping the jar like everyday so you dont create mold. Place the jars...
  18. C

    stinkbus pound every 3 weekk system, whos runnin 1???

    Not to sure about that system, but i would assume if someone does it right it would work. But you are posting in the aerogarden section. So not to sure if you are gonna get the right answer.
  19. C

    First timer, Aerogarden Grow journal.

    Update: I started my flush today. Will harvest next Saturday. Do a couple pic updates later tonight. Everything seems to be going as planned.
  20. C

    My First AG

    Nice looking. I am am choosing this to be my last week of feeding my baby as well. Its been flowering now for 12 weeks. trichs are all cloudy for me. It seems you're baby is quite nice as well. Goodluck man!