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  1. R

    Few questions about my single plant

    Hello I have a single plant i've been growning for about 2 months. She's been threw alot of stress (4 moves, beggining live didn't have no ph reg or anything) In the last month and a half she's been doing really good (even though her light is a 150watt reptile light) she is now about 5'5" I'm...
  2. R

    ready to start flowering?

    Hi my plant is about 5'5'' she has been threw tremendous conditions and has remained female. I was wondering if it's time to start flowering her. Also she has grown up mostly on a 150 watt reptile light and i'm wondering if I should now change the light to maybe a hps 1000? any advice would be...
  3. R

    Hermi--can it be smoked

    Okay i have a friend in which is growing a single plant as I am. While talking and sharing grow tips and seeing how each others plants were doing we came up with a big debate between the two of us. My friend tells me that if a plant herms out that it is smoked as stress...I do not believe...
  4. R

    Plant dying has been threw alot

    I understand the light schedule but how do i keep it from dying if it's not yet strong enough for the outside
  5. R

    Plant dying has been threw alot

    Hey I am looking for any advice to save my plant. My plant is about 1 to 1 1/2 feet tall and has been threw alot. She was first planted in a friends yard (no soil just what was there) then when she got about a foot tall she started dying so my other friend took her to his house where he put...