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  1. ScW Sparky

    Mplayer Issues

    Fuck it I'm using VLC.
  2. ScW Sparky

    Mplayer Issues

    Friggin for some reason Mplayer doesn't work for me. I open a file with it and it just sits there and does nothing but give me the option to press play. When I press play nothing happens. I just wanna watch a freakin movie lol. I looked online and no one else in the world has this problem...
  3. ScW Sparky

    When Forum Moderators Abuse Their Powers...

    Its a forum. Who cares if mods abuse their power? I certainly don't.
  4. ScW Sparky

    Any Pink Floyd fans out there???

    Fuck yeah DSotM is one of the best albums ever created.
  5. ScW Sparky

    If a marijuana plant falls but no one is around to hear it...

    Dude hot pockets rule! Ham and cheese ftw.
  6. ScW Sparky

    Michael Jackson Jokes

    Oh man burn. You got burned. Total burn. ... Burn.
  7. ScW Sparky

    If a marijuana plant falls but no one is around to hear it...

    can I still smoke that shit? But anyways. Anyone else like food?
  8. ScW Sparky

    Blue Oyster Cult

    I haven't really listened to them too much but I'm about to start right.... now. Of course I've heard their singles and whatnot but I haven't really delved too deep into their shit. Any album recommendations?