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  1. M

    how much water to flush

    thanks 4 info happy smokin
  2. M

    how much water to flush

    how much water should i flush my plant with its in a 2 litre pot
  3. M

    leaves falling off

    im leaves are going silver
  4. M

    1st grow dont think they are ok plz help

    i put 2inchs worth in a bottle then filled it up wit water its a liter bottle cheers for advice
  5. M

    1st grow dont think they are ok plz help

    its just called miracle grow liquid feed thebig 1 is bout 2 months old water every 2 days the leafs look silverish. a couple of leafs have fallen off aswel
  6. M

    1st grow dont think they are ok plz help

    i used b&p multi purpose compose and mg liquid food. do u think they il die then is so what can i do. cheers
  7. M

    1st grow dont think they are ok plz help

    ive bin doin my 1st grow since i put them out side they have bin having problems wit ther leave they just dont look healthy can i have an expert opioin.
  8. M

    rombo #2 dried pics

    that sum nice weed
  9. M

    Ready?? + Pics

    well done enjoy ya smoke
  10. M

    how do u train a plant

    ive heard of this thing called training a plant can any 1 tell me how you do it and wot it does. any help is appritated
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    First Time Grower, Long Time Smoker

    nice grow wish mine looked like dat
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    Guess her name.........

    nice plant. but i aint got a clue
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    The rollitup Icon Dude

    gota be a seed man
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    20 an 8th in south east if its bangin ppl can charge 25 but dats bs
  15. M

    blue cheese

    iv also got a short rider from nivara shop does any one know anything bout dis plant
  16. M

    blue cheese

    ok cheers have u got a ruff idea how much in oz if i will even get an oz its my 1st grow dont know wot expect. cheers 4 info
  17. M

    first grow (bag seed)

    im on my 1st grow and it dont look like dat m8
  18. M

    blue cheese

    ok aslong as the weed is nice do u knw that cause im just growin for persanal use
  19. M

    blue cheese

    :?:i got a blue cheese mj plant from barneys farm does anyone knowany thing bout it like size yield ect