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  1. M

    i might have seeds help

    all 5 of my plants show so there is no point of isolation thats three grown from seed and 2 clones i got its like its been something i have done dont want to go and f**k it up again what could i have done wrong
  2. M

    Is this a bong?

    its a old type of optic, ie you fit a cork over the big tube and it fits in a bottle, then u can pour liquids without spilling my mum run a pub in the 70s and they used them for diluting drinks so they could just give it a dash of blackcurrant or whatever, but am sure with enough thought you...
  3. M

    some one help

    cmon some one second opinion it looks like its goni explode or i can start a seed bank ther everywhere
  4. M

    some one help

    1 told to cut leavs off only done it yesterday you couldent see in tent for leaves 2 why did it go hermy i have 2 wonderwoman and 2 mozela they all seem to show seed the wonderwoman wer grown from feminised seeds :cry:mozela from female cuttings 3 how long have i got its been 5 weeks
  5. M

    some one help

    some one help newby with possible seeds what do you think should have 3 weeks left By the way why dose my posts not show up when i check the "new posts"
  6. M

    i might have seeds help

    its my first grow and i think i may have seeds:confused: was just tending to the girls and found pods that when you pop they have seed looking things inside:-? is this seed or where the hairs come from if it is seeds what do i do was going to give them some ripen and take what i get:eyesmoke...
  7. M

    how long to go

    can any one help its my first grow ,I got a free seed witch I gave to a friend he built a small box and stuck in 4 20w cfl bulbs ,the seed (road runner) turned out to be a auto flower and did its own thing as this is my first grow and mine are only 20 days into bud I cant give him any advice ,I...
  8. M

    cant it go any faster

    thanx its just i am so exited was hoping for 8 weeks
  9. M

    cant it go any faster

    first grow six weeks just changed lights to 12/12 three days and still no bud:weed:the watching them grow was OK but waiting to bud its taking forever:wall: its two white widow (maybe? got cuttings) and three wonder woman from attitude seeds