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  1. firecat75


    Great job guys... nothing better than :cuss:a cock measuring contest!..... Not really interested in taking sides since knowledge is power and always welcome and appreciated. However I am fricking pissed at the botanist and the closet gardner and the P.H D's and the rest of the wanna be...
  2. firecat75

    FUCK.... 7 weeks flowering and got a notice from apartment saying SUITE INSPECTION!!!

    Sup-G... i cannot believe you are seriously thinking of options that may or may not work. At the end of the day you can always grow another. Don't be a fool...chop it and grow another day.. or don't and maybe get sucks but nothing sucks like losing your freedom.
  3. firecat75

    droopy plants... root bound?? +rep

    Jumbo... i am new RIU , but know a little about mj... your plants are thirsty... sounds to me like your roots system is doing a good job of expanding and taking water more efficiently. transplant is also a good idea at this point... g.l