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  1. L

    Blue Dream

    My Pharm last had some "blue Balls" then The "blue Dream" Love them both ! the Blue dream makes my mind go a little to fast !ha ! but agreat stuff, burned a bowl as I typed this with some Train wreck Kif on it to balance it out !!
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    Vaporizors - Anyone used one?

    used one at a coffee house in amsterdam.... Do not remember anything about it.... So, I guess thats a good thing? I just did a search here on these to see if anyone else had an opinion... yep, just might get one~
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    I hear alot about this, but I have not been able to find a place that sells it? Suggestions? thanx !
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    is there any use for fan leaves and stem and other clippings?

    can Ido this with males I just yanked? Or are they just F'n worthless!! Bastards!
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    Seedlings not shedding shell?

    I've had that happen a few times . after a few days I got a straiht pin, tweezers and gave it a little help. Be careful not to put to much pressure on those little leaves. One of them had yellow/faded leaves under and it came back fine. others may have a different thought on this. goodluck~
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    Let's all av a get together!!!

    Amsterdam !!! Last time I was there I would start each day with a gram of hash crumbled up in my coffee... sip, swirl, and repeat. when the cup gets 1/2 way down refill w/ coffee. rent a bike and head out! I found that if I ventured into the coffee shops I would get stuck to a chair like...
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    Male ? Survey says.....

    well, this was four days in the flower stage. I have five more plants left that I cant tell yet. oh, I pulled that bastard out in time right? You know, you spend all that time on her, put her to bed each nite, wake up with her. Hand feed her. Stay up late when she is sick! Keep her on s...
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    Male ? Survey says.....

    I know I'm in denial, but what do y'all think? It's (sadly) a male right?
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    Awesome Mogie ! Great pics. I am planning on attempting (key word) to clone in the morning and still had a few concerns. The pics cleared it all up for me! Glad someone else asked the obvious for me!~ ha!
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    Seal-a-meal (vacuum pack) instead of jars?

    When it comes time to harvest / cure. I understand the use of Jars. Has anyone ever used a vacuum seal bag system used for foods? Seal-a meals? they suck alll the air out and make a solid seal. Preserves food very weel. wondering if anyone has any experienc and or thoughts on this...
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    How high are you... RIGHT NOW?

    I'm not high at all!! I personally don't believe in this abuse! ok..ok.. The truth is, I dont have any!!! arrggg...sitting in a room full of plants just 3 days into 12/12. I have made a commitment to my girls that I wont go out and "cheat" on them by pciking up a sack somewhere! I'm gonna...
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    The hardest part of going 12/12.....

    Good points Skunk... I run lites during the day, that helps. Also only running one 400w system That way I can at least wake em' up each morning ! ha!
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    The hardest part of going 12/12.....

    The hardest part of going 12/12..... IS NOT BEING ABLE TO KEEP LOOKING AT THEM !!!!
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    High Pressure sodium light question.

    My first grow as well. I went to Lowes, bought 2 t8 fl's (4ft) used those to start my grow. while I figured out my space / edsign /needs, etc. I just got my MH HPS combo from HTG supply and returned all the FL to Lowes! ha! No prob doing it either. Now I will get some 2 ft'ers for my...