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  1. king cannabis

    the smoothest sweetest smoke

    yeah a friend of mine grew bubblegum tasted lovely, ive heard of mango but never tried it, let me know wats its like lol
  2. king cannabis

    the smoothest sweetest smoke

    ive grew a lot ov plants, a lot of sweet smoke but i wanna know whats the nicest tasting green in your opinion, i like blueberry mmmmmmmmm its lovely but i wanna know what yous think, and 1 more thing has any1 been 2 the blues brothers cafe in amsterdam they sold a plant strain called snowflake...
  3. king cannabis

    Diesel Ryder Almost ready! *pics*

    there looking awesome, well done m8 the weather has been shite for a few weeks but u cant really tell by looking at that lil beauty, i was wondering if you hav had any experience with lowryder 2 i planted 5 females but had 2 put them in the woods cos my girlfreind wont let me keep them in the...
  4. king cannabis

    cannabis strains, whats your favourite and why???

    i want people 2 tell me whats there favourite smoke at the moment and why??? at the moment im loving hawaiin snow from green house seeds, its fucking dynamite..... what a rush lol
  5. king cannabis

    How do you break up your pot?

    thanks very much
  6. king cannabis

    How do you break up your pot?

    hahaha funny but i mean how do i start off my own conversation on my own subject?
  7. king cannabis

    How do you break up your pot?

    i use a similar grinder its a nightmare trying 2 find 1 that works properly, theres so much shit 2 buy nowadays, but sumtimes u cant beat getting ya hands working, oohh and by the way im new 2 roll it up could any1 tel me how 2 make your own post???