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  1. D

    new to the world of growing

    Welcome my friend and good luck
  2. D


    This was interesting, i've saved this page, thanks for your pic
  3. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    it's y very first plant, it was given to me when it was about 3 inch high, then when it got a bit bigger i just bent the branches down and tied them to the pot, in no time the buds started to grow along each branch, they are still tied but the weight of the buds are that heavy now she doesn't...
  4. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    I wounder if any one can advise me on this. Yesterday i went to re pot my cutting,(the one in the picture, small plant) and i couldn't get it out of the pot, (now learnt that lesson):cry: and as it came out the root broke:-| so I've put it back into some rooting powder and replanted it in the...
  5. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    :hump:Well thank you very much, it's a long time since anybody gave me a grade.:hug:
  6. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    She's had a lot of love and attention plus some advise from a good friend.
  7. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    Thanks I think you could be right about the water stain.
  8. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    I can't get the hang of this site,:cry:
  9. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    Can you tell what the white is on the leaves, ?? It almost looks like snail trail, but it's not, iv'e looked under a magnifing glass and it's like small cristles. My girl is in her 4th week of blooming, no bugs on her and very healthy under the leaves., her pistles have just started to go brown...
  10. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    Will take some better pictures tomorrow, I need some advise as to what to do next, off to bed now because I'm well stoned.:shock:
  11. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    Yes, i'm feeding Plagron (Alga- Bloom.
  12. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    thanks all I've done is put her out side by day and in the dark room for 12 hrs at night, took a cutting a while back and she is doing fine. Been reading on hear all about different bugs and worms, now I'm paranoid.:hump:
  13. D

    Please tell me what you think of my girl

    Let me know what you think of my GIRL, this is my first atempt at growing a plant for my self. hope this bloody picture works.
  14. D

    sorry i'm having a problem finding my way around this site and when i'm on here im stoned which...

    sorry i'm having a problem finding my way around this site and when i'm on here im stoned which doesn't help. please bare with me.
  15. D

    Fun Things to Do When Stoned

    :peace:When I'm stoned i like to lay on the bed in the dark and listen to my i pod until i fall asleep, (then wake to find the i pod stuck to my ass.:shock:
  16. D

    1st grow-leaves curlin, yellow spots, gnats wtf!!!!!!

    Can't help mate, but you've got me worried now wish some one in the know would answer.
  17. D

    Welcome New Members!

    I love some of the user names, mines crap.
  18. D

    to cut or not to cut

    I'm confused, my plant as started budding with the white pistles but how long from this stage can i expect to be able to dry and smoke it, i have already taken a cutting from her and it is growing fine, my plant goes in the garden (green house) by day and a dark room for 12 hrs at night, is...
  19. D

    Weird spots on leaves

    Thanks for your reply, will try and put a picture up, this is my first plant and she is looking good, I hope this works
  20. D

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi every one i'm new to the site and new to growing weed but have been smoking it for a lot of years i hope some of you can help me along the way to my perfect journey.