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  1. goosecomander

    Ruderalis virgin

    i would go with 3 gallon pots 1 just seems to small.
  2. goosecomander

    So its my birthday, and my folks want to buy me a good bottle of liquor

    if your a whiskey guy go with jack . if your a vodka guy go with belvedere. and if your a tequilla guy go with patron. they all know how to party.
  3. goosecomander

    Starting Summer Grow - Need Input / Help!

    i sugest reading some grow guides theres tons out there.. heres my favorite
  4. goosecomander

    Moving small plants to bigger pots

    like meat said wait till you start seeing the roots com out the bottom it will be easyier to get them babys out .. and i wouldent go throwing any dead fish in your hole without letting it rot for a few months and if there out in the woods i wouldent even do it thats only asking for a...
  5. goosecomander

    For White Widow

    you can never tell how tall your plant is going to grow it depends on a lot of different things. but lsting isnt hard all you do is tie them down just google it youll find evrything about it.
  6. goosecomander

    whats up with the white pistils on top of my plant

    its prolly just new flowers growing or its just the pistols growing out of that flower .. if it was a male or a hermi it would have little sacks growing .. sorry skiped a post if there sacks it for sure a hermi
  7. goosecomander

    Im going to the Hydropaunics store tomorrow I NEED HELP PLEASE

    boo dont ever give up when something doesnt go your way . get your self a bag of shwag and pick out the seed and grow them easy as that .
  8. goosecomander

    Quick question about rain

    for sure stake them up untill they really start growing one decent rain will tip them seedling right over.. u could also bulid a greenhouse out of some clear 2 litler bottles.
  9. goosecomander

    any sugestions??

    have u checked out advance nutrients heavy harvest ? i havent used it yet so i cant speak for experience but ive herd good things about it.. my shop sells it 2 lbs for 8 bucks and they say it covers a 10 x10 area.. check it out if u already havent.
  10. goosecomander

    In need of help asap

    you could use that if u wanted to . i wouldent .im not sure of your climate but the lowryders should finish before the rainy season atleast where im at in ny they will.. and the skunk should be an early bloomer but there are ways to prevent mold from taking over .. even just shaking them...
  11. goosecomander

    First outdoor grow

    there so many differnt ones out there everybody will have there own opinion on what they think works best .ive used fox farms line with great results. but this year i have to go about things a little different so im gonna try advance nutrients heavy harvest its a time realease instead of a...
  12. goosecomander

    First outdoor grow

    first i say do some reading on nutrients and what not .. i water whenever my soil seems to be drying out if there in the ground ill stik my finger in there and see how wet it is if there in pots just pick up the pots get a feel for what they weigh wet and dry and then u will know. i water...
  13. goosecomander

    Advice on Northern Guerilla Grow?

    no theres no sativa that will flower that early .. stick with autos if your lookin for something that early..
  14. goosecomander

    First Outdoor... Few Questions....

    the fishing line might keep the deer away but rodents and smaller critters will find away threw if they want to .. dont save that urine for to long that shit can be lethal lol . i just walk aroud the perimeter while pissing its tricky at first lol you dont have to start them indoors if u dont...
  15. goosecomander

    First outdoor grow ????

    yea they are big pots but u never cant perdict the root mass id rather be safe then sorry i wouldent stress it though if your already gonna watter twice a week. autos burn real easy i would water one week and then fertz the next till 2 weeks before harvest and then flush really good. theres...
  16. goosecomander

    First outdoor grow ????

    and i should have added this but autos are not going to take 3-4 months try 2-3
  17. goosecomander

    First outdoor grow ????

    first thing i will say is u need to dosome reasearch if u really wanna grow.. second this your going to have to drill holes in the buket to much water bulid up in the bottom will drown the roots.and becarful with the nutrients dont add to much. but like i said just do a little reasearch on the...
  18. goosecomander


    i think this thread calls for a little brad paisley. but i dont know why pepole feel the need to lie. half the shit they lie about is ridiculous . but i guess it has to be something in these peoples heads that make them feel the need to lie. i can see some maybe exaggerating the story a little...
  19. goosecomander

    Killing the Males or not

    i agree with the advice from veggie. control it as much as u can unless u want shitty bud with a shit load of seeds.what i would do is take a male and a female far far away and then just let them breed and then u will end up with plenty of seeds throw the bud and leaves in the hash pile and the...
  20. goosecomander

    need help picking some strains for outdoor.

    well what part of this world do u live in? different strains do better in different places.. . but are u going with one of each or a couple?