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  1. T

    Some kind of bug!!??

    What operation did you proform Jut??
  2. T

    Some kind of bug!!??

    Well I did already spray them down with the Azamax, and when they are ready to water (probably tomoro), I was planning on doing a soil drench too-- they aren't babies, these girls are 4 1/2 weeks old-- so I hope they can handle it! And if I should remove the damaged leaves, I definitely will??!
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    Some kind of bug!!??

    Anyone?? Bump ;-).........
  4. T

    Some kind of bug!!??

    My third grow-- first time I had problems with thrips, second grow it was powdery mildew....I just got these girls a few days ago and they looked great at 4 weeks old. Transplanted them on Sunday (today is Wednesday) into my 3 gallon pots from the 1 gallon they were in, everything looked good...
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    Confused whether to FIM or top??

    Can anyone comment? Do they look okay???
  6. T

    Confused whether to FIM or top??

    Well I did it!! I just topped my tallest girl that was 13" which left about 3 sets of nodes (6 branches) and 6" in height. The top was about 8 nodes and 7" long so I cut off the bottom 2 nodes and rolled the remaining stem in Clonex and put her in a pot....immediate shock, but the soil was...
  7. T

    Confused whether to FIM or top?? is the second pic the actual top you took off the plant? With 1 node underground and 2 above ground nodes? At the top of the picture where it's cut off, is that the top of your plant right there?? Thanks for your help, I'm starting to get it lol........
  8. T

    Confused whether to FIM or top??

    So if I take the 13" plants with 10 nodes and top them down to about the 3rd set of nodes from the bottom, this leaves me with a big healthy top with at least 6-8 nodes on it already-- I only have one grow room with my HPS and I don't want to try and make a bunch of babies out of the top, so...
  9. T

    Confused whether to FIM or top??

    Just to clarify, a node is where a fan leaf attaches to the stem and a branch grows between that, correct? At the bottoms of the plants there are 2 fan leaves and sets of brances growing on exact opposite sides, then further up they start to alternate. At the bottom where they are on equal...
  10. T

    Confused whether to FIM or top??

    I all-- I have 9 clones that are about 4 weeks old, growing in organic soil and under a 1000W HPS. 7 are Royal purple kush which are growing shorter and bushier, and 2 are White Widow/Durban Poison which are much taller than the rest. My question is about FIMMING versus my...
  11. T

    Any way to speed the grow process up??

    Cool, I guess problem solved!! I will veg for a few weeks longer than I had planned so that they are still flowering while I'm gone-- aquaglobes sound like a good idea, then I'll chop when I get back ;-) Thanks all!
  12. T

    HELP!! Can these be saved?? Clones drooping, drying

    And I should mist them with a little bit of nutes? Haven't done that yet, but what does everyone think??
  13. T

    HELP!! Can these be saved?? Clones drooping, drying

    Well they were rooted in cubes when I got them, but they were just poking out-- pretty young. So now they're in the soil and you don't think they're feeding off that or the water in the soil? A few look great, a few look crappy....not sure why. But I'm thinking about removing the bags I put...
  14. T

    HELP!! Can these be saved?? Clones drooping, drying

    Is that good enough for a humidity dome? The dry leaves are now a little wilted and have some darker coloring on the bag a bad idea?? HELP!kiss-ass
  15. T

    Any way to speed the grow process up??

    Yes, I have a timer, but this is a soil grow so they do need water/molasses at least once every 3-4 days from what I remember with my last grow, until you flush and turn out the lights for 48 hours before the cut....could I feasibly veg even longer, and have my flower period be 9 weeks instead...
  16. T

    Any way to speed the grow process up??

    wow.....that would be totally pitiful if I came back from vaca to all my buds going moldy!! I will figure out who I trust the most and hope for the best ::sigh::
  17. T

    Any way to speed the grow process up??

    I have some white berry, royal purple kush, and white widow/durban poison-- I think those are all indica except maybe the WW hybrid? I can stick them in jars to cure the day I leave as long as they are totally dry, I figure 3 days (house is locked and safe while I'm gone). So I guess even if I...
  18. T

    Is there any way to speed up the grow process?? I'm on a time crunch!

    Hey all....I got some sweet clones the other day that were pretty young-- I transplanted them into 3-gallon pots (organic soil) and have them under some CFL's to get rooted better, hopefully in the next week or so I'll switch to my 1000 Watt HPS... my question is, I am going on a 10-day trip in...
  19. T

    Any way to speed the grow process up??

    Hey all....I got some sweet clones the other day that were pretty young-- I transplanted them into 3-gallon pots (organic soil) and have them under some CFL's to get rooted better, hopefully in the next week or so I'll switch to my 1000 Watt HPS... my question is, I am going on a 10-day trip in...
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    HELP!! Can these be saved?? Clones drooping, drying

    I think you are totally right....the humidity is low and the dirt was bone dry when I planted the cubes....darn!! I hope they'll recover! Maybe I'll turn the heat up a little too ;-) Thanks for the tip hardlife....does anyone else think they will survive??