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  1. Indoor Don

    perpetual personel grow

    Just started new job, so havent posted, started 6 under the 400W and 1 with the others in the 1000w room, as the 400w ones get older prob move em to the 1000w room
  2. Indoor Don

    Aerogarden Seed Grow

    and you have introduced pollen nopw?
  3. Indoor Don

    Please Help! Sun Bleaching or nitrigen dif? maybe something else?

    25 C, which shoulf b fine, prob light eh
  4. Indoor Don

    Please Help! Sun Bleaching or nitrigen dif? maybe something else?

    hard to tell cause o fthe way i shot the pic but there are 3 plants in these,
  5. Indoor Don

    Please Help! Sun Bleaching or nitrigen dif? maybe something else?

    just a grow tent i made with black on outside white on inside to reflect, though i am useing 1000w, i am starting to think i have it too close, it is air cooled so i tent to let it get to the glass
  6. Indoor Don

    Please Help! Sun Bleaching or nitrigen dif? maybe something else?

    My plant's leaves have been turing yellow and in some cases white for abit, i'm sure this is effecting harvest, anyone have an idea why they are turning like this?
  7. Indoor Don

    Jigfresh's Grow #3 - Flooded Tube Vertical - Querkle, Odyssey - 1000w

    Subscibed Jig, much love for your constant effort in the art of growing, your def goin pro
  8. Indoor Don

    perpetual personel grow

    Also i haven;t used the LED yet, not sure how to best use it, maybe the veg room, maybe solely for clones?
  9. Indoor Don

    perpetual personel grow

    Thanks jig, yea they are good for sure, though my temps are under controll now it is warmer then i thought it would be, 27C, with my vortex and a fan. I have just three under the 400w now, prob put in more l;ater, veg room is looking good, and 1000w flower room is getting me nervous, the leaves...
  10. Indoor Don

    Aerogarden Seed Grow

    do you think the streching will have any effect on seed production
  11. Indoor Don

    perpetual personel grow

    just strung up the bat wing releftor, i will be useing a hortilux 400w grow bulb
  12. Indoor Don

    perpetual personel grow

    This new tent(3'x3.3'x6.5') was just put together, i think it will go nicely with my 400w hps grow bulb. plus i was given this led light aswell, i am told it is better then the ufo's and has both red and blue light, not sure if that red and blue spectrum but was marketed as a grow light, so i'll...
  13. Indoor Don

    perpetual personel grow

    So the flowering room is coming out nicely, the small plants are about to harvest so i can raise my light abit more then for the newer ones that are alot taller. 4 Afghan dream and 1 white widow. In the veg room they are starting to look real nice, i might start tieing some over to reduce...
  14. Indoor Don

    First time grow ARE THESE BUDS ???

    agreed, if you cant afford anything better then grab a bunch of these and put them in lamps in your room
  15. Indoor Don

    First time grow ARE THESE BUDS ???

    bro with that as your only light it may take 12 weeks to harvest, if a good harvest can ever be achieved with that little amount of light, i will be here each step to see though, lol. any questions feel free to ask
  16. Indoor Don

    First time grow ARE THESE BUDS ???

    now i'm confished, explain your set up to me if you don;t mind
  17. Indoor Don

    First time grow ARE THESE BUDS ???

    it Looks more like overwatering to me, do you let your soil get dry before watering it?
  18. Indoor Don

    First time grow ARE THESE BUDS ???

    You can take a clone off a flowering female and it will work, note however it will take alot longer as it has to switch back to veg, and the furthur you are into flower the longer it will take to go back to veg. it will be atleast another 8 weeks if not more, go to radio shack or something and...
  19. Indoor Don

    First time grow ARE THESE BUDS ???

    hard to tell from pics, i assume your asking is this male or female? get a closer pic