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  1. M

    Any tips for harvesting top cola early?

    Hi, I just wanted to ask if anyone has any advice or tips to help me on my first harvest - Woop! The top cola on my plant is ready but the lower buds aren't. Is there a method for harvesting just the top cola early, letting the lower buds develop more? Can I just hack off the mature buds...
  2. M

    Help with flowering plant

    Hi guys, My plant is 3 weeks into flowering and has some burned leaf tips. My question is: Should I clip the burned leaf tips? I have heard as a general rule not to clip at all during the flowering stage if I can help it. I have also heard that damaged leaf tips are the only leaves worth...
  3. M

    2 problems I'd appreciate help with

    Thanks for your reply, yea the plants were misted, would it be better to mist during the dark period or not at all? I'll also check the ph and make sure I don't over water
  4. M

    2 problems I'd appreciate help with

    Hi guys, I have spent a lot of time reading this board in the past few months in order to grow my first plant successfully. I have also read the guides to diagnosing problems and am still unsure what is wrong with her. EQUIPMENT I USE (v. basic) - 125 Red Spectrum CFL's & some lower...