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  1. X

    CFL grow first timer

    i looked at your grow its great :weed: hopefully when i get better lights i can grow something like that
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    CFL grow first timer

    bumping this thank you guys soo much for the feedback as i said this is just a practice next ones gonna be white widow or northern lights i put nutes in it and overnight it grew about 1/2" - 1" after the end of the day today dont have my cam wit me will post new pics by wendesday any...
  3. X

    CFL grow first timer

    arite ill take a look and thanks for the help + rep ill update in a few days
  4. X

    CFL grow first timer

    my potting mix is .12 - .09 - .07 i jus bought water soluble miracle grow 'bloom booster' flower food i only mixed half a tablespoon in the gallon of water and i only watered my big plant with about 3-4 teaspoons of it should i water more? thank you for the responses :)
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    CFL grow first timer

    anyone can tell me what kind of nutes to buy today??? i'm heading straight after work, idk what #'s i need for flowering?
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    CFL grow first timer

    the small ones? cause the big one is as close to the light as it can get without hitting it. im going to add more lights around the big one this was just an expirement at first i didnt have any lighting really. i noticed it was a little like lanky as the person above stated thats when i moved it...
  7. X

    CFL grow first timer

    thank you, im going to buy a bigger pot tonight along wit nutes what kinda nutes do you think i should get, i just started 12/12 5 days ago about.. im going to buy a few more lamps too, but for now i'll just put something under the plant to hold it up more its on a shelf in my closet right...
  8. X

    CFL grow first timer

    thank you for feedback, i was looking into the whole lumens per light think n i gotta look into that more and yes that was my problem at the beginning of this guy i had light too far away and it kept trying to get to it :( im using scotts potting soil and had no problems yet.. i hope...
  9. X

    CFL grow first timer

    Hi all, I've been following this site about a month and decided to start a grow. My lighting isn't that great but my plants been growing.. :-? right now i got 3 seedlings and one that im a little pushed for space on so i put it into flowering when it hit 13" tall.. it grew for about...