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  1. M

    New england growers thread!!!

    Going to make a grow next spring and I'm wondering if I could just get 6 buckets and sink them in the ground and fill them up with some compost, top soil, some perlite and peat or should I use some fertlizer? So how big should the buckests be 5 or 10 gallons? Also do I have to lay down a layer...
  2. M

    how do you fix crap soil?

    Do you need to drill holes in it for drainage? Also how big should the bucket be and because it seems to be a better idea to grow in a bucket would sterilized bagged topsoil with some compost and perlite mixed in be good?
  3. M

    how do you fix crap soil?

    I found a nice grow spot for next year lots of sun and privacy but the soil is clay and hard packed, I got some Miracle Grow in powder form and I think I might be able to fix the nutrition problem by tilling the powder in to the soil. The drainage is crap so what could I use to improve it? Also...
  4. M

    Help on first indoor grow.

    I think I found a place for an indoor grow but I don't know being my first row and all. It is a crawl space 4 feet high and 5 and a half feet long and around 3 feet wide. I want to know what would a realistic yeild for a place like this is and how many and what kind of lights I should use, also...
  5. M

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    I want to gorw in a closet but I don't have an outlet there, but there is one on the otherside of the wall where I want to put it. So could I just cut a hole in the wall where it is and install another wall outlet by splicing the ground wire and insalling the outlet on the other side?
  6. M

    Getting off the grid

    I have no idea why people are so fixated on cows why not sheep and goats thaey tend to need a bit less space and thier milk to me is better then most cow milk. Also shear the sheep And buy a loom take a couple classes and now your 100% self sufficant.
  7. M

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    That is true and besides already has more then enough on his plate without trying to convince the house to legalize marijuana. All I can say is tobacco was just a plant and now there are multibillion corporations manipulating the government and I really don't think america needs another...
  8. M

    Hash Cotton Candy

    Who knew compulsivly watching food network would pay off? I saw this recapie on iron chef and thought why not turn this into something that gets you high in adition to tasting good? Makeing cotten candy is messy, so the first thing to do is to cover your kitchen counter and floor with newspaper...
  9. M

    Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

    guess what weed prices at m old tow was 20 dollers a gram!!! WHAT THE FUCK. Thank god I moved the prices are 15 dollers which to me is a little steep but not so bad. Growing my own next year :grin: so :finger: over priced weed sellers.
  10. M

    Too late i think

    I wanted to start growing in the ground but now I think its too late in the season here in N.J or is it? plaese I wanted to start this yaer but I can alway hold out till next year but I need to know if it is too late now. Your help is apreacated.