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  1. K

    My Leaves Are Turning Yellow! WHY???

    im sorry about posting in this thread i thought it was the same one i put up a few dayz ago but snewp im having the same problem...But mine arent near as big mine are only about 8in tall
  2. K

    My Leaves Are Turning Yellow! WHY???

    Well one more ?. What is the best potting soil i could use and should i transfer the biggest one into a 5gal bucket? Well if i do move it should i take all of the soil out (but keep it in form of the pot it was in) and plant it with the new soil so i dont put her in shock..I hope you guys kinda...
  3. K

    My Leaves Are Turning Yellow! WHY???

    Thank Greentumb i will keep yall updated
  4. K

    My Leaves Are Turning Yellow! WHY???

    Also i have six plants and they are all in the same pot and the pot is only about 7" deep and 8" width should i try to transfer?? I heard that the roots are 2x the size of the plant is that true
  5. K

    My Leaves Are Turning Yellow! WHY???

    i just tested the ph and it is 7.2 to 7.5 is that bad also the alkalinity is 80 on the test strip??
  6. K

    My Leaves Are Turning Yellow! WHY???

    Well they are outside but i am working on bringing them indoors i am going to test the ph and get back with yall
  7. K

    My Leaves Are Turning Yellow! WHY???

    My Plants are only about six to eight inches tall but i just used soil out of the flower beds and my leaves are turning yellow or some have yellow spots. What can i do about this?? I would love some constructive criticism!! Thanks a Bunch...