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  1. B

    Thanks alot! Heres the deal. I have a female plant that is outdoors. It was sittin right outside...

    Thanks alot! Heres the deal. I have a female plant that is outdoors. It was sittin right outside the house gettin all the sunlight it needed. Growing very fast and well. About a week ago i had to move it out in the woods so i searched for a spot that it would get hit by the mornin sun. Problem...
  2. B

    what is the average time a plant starts to bud?

    Problem is this plant was in the open gettin all the sun it could just 2 weeks ago. Since i had to move into the woods it hardly gets 3 hours of soon now. It comes up a little past my waste and is startin to sho white hairs. Is this because i fucked up the light cycle? Will it hurt the potency...
  3. B

    101 Already Asked Questions

    I have that white substance on my outdoor plant. Its a fungus what do i do??
  4. B

    See My Shit And Tell Me What You Think?

    can u all help me? I have that white shit growing on my plant. You know from watering it at night. Im new to this. How do i fix this?
  5. B

    white shit on my plants.

    Im having this exact same problem. The white substance. Im growin some killer weed outside and this happened to my plant im guessin from watering it at night. Im new to this. Its only one plant but it has it pretty badly. What do I do???