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  1. B

    What the F@$K is going on??? Nut burn or what??

    About to be the 5th week. I have been adjusting the ph to 6.5. I have an electronic ph tester that I bought at a hydro store. I though it might be lack of nut, gave them some more nuts and they dont look any better. They are getting worse. Should I flush them??
  2. B

    What the F@$K is going on??? Nut burn or what??

    I posted a thread a couple of days ago, but the problem has gotten worse. Is this nut burn??
  3. B

    1st Grow- 1st Problem... 4 weeks into Flowering

    I havent been spraying them, and the leaves closer to the light are doing fine. Most of the leaves affected are the older fan leaves at the bottom and in the middle. I dont think it is light burn. Thanks for your input though.
  4. B

    1st Grow- 1st Problem... 4 weeks into Flowering

    Come on people!!! 80 views and no ideas. It is spreading to all the big fan leaves. I really need some help.
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    1st Grow- 1st Problem... 4 weeks into Flowering

    Anyone know what it is????
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    1st Grow- 1st Problem... 4 weeks into Flowering

    This is my first MJ grow. My setup is two plants under a 400 watt hps bulb. Growing in 3 gallon square pots with 50% Pro-Mix and 50% Ocean Forest. Have been feeding them Roots Organic and the PH has been at 6.5. They grew from bagseed and I vegged for maybe two weeks. They have been flowering...
  7. B

    Am I missing anything from my setup?

    bungee cord is the best way to avoid vibration noise
  8. B

    Am I missing anything from my setup?

    Check out this thread. The inline fans are not quite. With a carbon filter on it, the noise will reduce, but you can try building one of these box's for it.
  9. B

    Am I missing anything from my setup?

    the duct booster fans are not that loud. The 4 inch inline fan that I was talking about is on that htgsupply website you listed. They are louder, but much better.
  10. B

    Am I missing anything from my setup?

    One more thing, I would think two 150 watt bulbs would be unnecessary. With that low wattage you will not be able to penetrate foilage very well, which means you shouldn't veg too long. I would do 12/12 from seed so your plants dont get to big. Then you only have to run 12 hours a day. My...
  11. B

    Am I missing anything from my setup?

    Also, by the price of the fan I assume you are talking about the inline duct booster fan. I would go at least with a 6inch exaust fan. I am running one 400 hps bulb in a 2X3 closet and use an 8 inch for exaust and a 6inch for intake. Plus, any ducting attached to those fans will really slow them...
  12. B

    Am I missing anything from my setup?

    A 25 dollar Ph meter is not going to tell you sh!t. Invest in a better one, dont waste your 25 dollars.
  13. B


    what does everyone think about a 1000 hps bulb in a 4x5 grow room for sog/lollipoping grow style?? I was going to try 2 600's but I cant fit a carbon filter and a 6" HO Can Fan in that space with two reflectors, unless I did some serious duct work bending.
  14. B

    Al. B Fuct Harvest every 2 weeks... Question about method???

    I don't think you are understanding what I am trying to ask. If he has four rows and puts his new clones in, even under 12/12 light the clone will grow vegetatively for around two weeks, would the time the the clone entered the flowering room until harvest be at least 10 weeks??? To me it would...
  15. B

    Al. B Fuct Harvest every 2 weeks... Question about method???

    On his illustration it shows four groups ( 0-2, 2-4,4-6,6-8) shouldn't there be a 5th row to account for the 2 weeks vegetative growth the clone would go under??
  16. B

    Al. B Fuct Harvest every 2 weeks... Question about method???

    On Al. B Fucts thread about a harvest every two weeks, he says that he clones his cuttings for two weeks, then sets them in the flowering room. However, he said that it takes 2 to 3 weeks to enter flowering stage. If that is so, doesnt it take 10 to 11 weeks in the flowering room to harvest...
  17. B

    Seedling Problem... What Gives???

    I have five 3" pots under a 4-bulb T-5 light systems. I let the seeds soak in water over night and then placed in pots. Three have sprouted, however one got so long the stem couldn't support the top and the seedling fell over until it touched the side of the pot. The light system is 10 inches...
  18. B

    1st setup, looking for suggestions or improvements

    If you only have a 4x4 tent why dont you do a bunch of smaller plants. I started six plants in an area that size and had to cut down to two because of size. I let them veg two long for my room size. Next time I am going to do six smaller ones and start them at different times.