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  1. MrG

    Go Maine

    That is awesome Maine has moved forward.. I agree the state shouldnt run a thing...
  2. MrG

    looking for some help with yellowing, brown blotches (pics, details)

    water the poor ladies ha-ha.. I think once you water them you will be marked improvement.. After that look at what else is align them.
  3. MrG

    MrG's Green Trees..

    Try the Olivia's Cloning solution for eatable plants.. the stuff Rock's, I use a air stone in a rubbermaid container cut some small holes in it and use the 3" net pots put in some of the wool.. looks like insulation actually haha.. they root literally in about a week two max.. I have had 100%...
  4. MrG

    MrG's Green Trees..

    Actually I do use the grow just in the begining and for my clones once to fully root. I use the olivia'c cloning solution I have had 100% success rate with that. Once I'm three to four weeks into flower I go with the Uncle Johns, makes the buds just explode in size I have also been playing...
  5. MrG

    MrG's Green Trees..

    Okay here is my Journal Dun dun dun... haha.. Currently I'm flowering one big lady that is well just plan ole good green stinky, sticky, fat buds.. average flower is 2.75-3.4 inches thick that is (across) and around the range of 4-6 inches long very very sticky hairs are long lashes and wide...
  6. MrG

    Crunky's CFL/LED Scrog!

    Okay how you getting the short and bushy? mine are tall but do flower up pretty good.. I'll take a few pics and post them for yea.
  7. MrG

    DIY LED Grow Lights

    I w0000000000
  8. MrG

    DIY LED Grow Lights

    I use these Es-100W-GB check this site out they are a bit pricey but put out some really for wattage and lumens per lamp size if you look at how small they really are. I want to get a few more of these but I'm actually thinking of building one or using strips around the walls to suppliment the...
  9. MrG

    DIY LED Grow Lights

    I completely agree I have been using some panels I bought and yes spent up to 300 on them. but the spectrum is critical I do agree.. I figured those who wanted to try the homemade version could use the link maybe?? and I do see what you mean abou the watts and power supply and the diodes I...
  10. MrG

    DIY LED Grow Lights

    I found this site it seems rather inexpensive to some extent and if you make a few of them you can use em for supplemental lighting that will aid in an increase of yield. Just a thought. use the tool or head back to the home page. etc..
  11. MrG

    L.E.D. grow lights?

    LedGrow is RIGHT plants use a wavelength that is different then the lumens you are trying to make a point with.. Lets say that our eyes can only use or measure a certain wave of light as with plants they benefit from the use of the red and blue Wavelength in the process of Photosynth.. Lumens...
  12. MrG

    CFL as suppliment to T5

    I have 8x54 watts running in T5 it does a good job of budding just takes a few weeks longer then under say MH or HPS.. it is a small room mainly just for my own head. I would like to add some CFL to suppliment the light in there some and maybe get a bit of a larger yield would this be a good...
  13. MrG

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Your saying before you go Flower to get as much leaf as you can? at what point would you trim or would you in flower stage? MrG.
  14. MrG

    Controling plant height

    Hmm not sure either on the topping I seem to have like four cola or at least tops, one Main of course which is the tallest.. She is going to max out in about another week for sure. I got maybe two foot left in height.
  15. MrG

    Controling plant height

    I have a question to throw out there I seem to have a plant Female for sure and she is going sky high real fast I have stopped moving the light to try and keep her from maxing out the rooms height I have cut back on the Nutrients, I have been at 12/12 for over three weeks now man is it getting...