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  1. T

    Police called next door. Could use some advice.

    I wasnt being serious in case it wasnt obvious. lol. I have now setup the carbon filter although it is a bit jerry rigged. the intake has been raised up on old paint tins and a box and the fans pointed at the door. maybe on the next grow I'll set it up properly. I've seen a canvass wardrobe...
  2. T

    Police called next door. Could use some advice.

    Hah yes your right I should kill em all. *goes to get shot gun* oh wait you dont have a minigun around that I could borrow do you? (just in case there are lots of them) :-) I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! :-D
  3. T

    Police called next door. Could use some advice.

    Well the carbon filter has been ordered. :smile: Its not the best but it'll have to do for now and then I will see what setup I can jerry rig when it gets here. I will be planning this better for the next grow. Incense will have to do for now until the filter arrives. Cant put a price on...
  4. T

    Police called next door. Could use some advice.

    Nah this place doesnt smell like a janitors closet but it reeks of incense. Its the smell of paranoia though not without reason. I cant help the feeling that I'm going to get busted tomorrow and I'll have spent money on controlling the smell for nothing. Damn annoying. Planning. Thats an...
  5. T

    Police called next door. Could use some advice.

    I should have said that I'm from the UK in my original post, sorry. I'm not sure on how different the law is around here. I think generally they knock first and force entry when they cant get in but either way they would need a search warrant. Not opening the door is good advice and if they want...
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    Police called next door. Could use some advice.

    A carbon filter definitely seems to be the way to go. I suppose the next question is what to get and how. I was looking at this...
  7. T

    Police called next door. Could use some advice.

    Hi guys I could use some advice please. The police called next door and searched his place looking for weed plants. They said that some had reported that there was a smell of cannabis cultivation. They didnt find anything because he isnt growing and then went to look round the corner and yet...
  8. T

    does diatomaceous earth works i need a reply before i make purchase

    Yeah I've had this problem and I put an inch or so of play pit type sand on the top of the soil and a week or 2 later theres no flies. Works best when the sand is dry so maybe water every other day. I couldnt afford dimiteous earth lol. Wish I'd done it sooner.
  9. T

    Attention UK Tokers - Legalisation Petition

    I agree and Ive signed your petition. I'm wondering now what proportion of the UK smokes weed? I think its those who do not know much about it or have the wrong view of it that are standing in the way of getting it legalised. Goverment propaganda is helping anything either.