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    Does anyone know of a simi shade resistant plant?

    I would sure appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction. Thanks
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    Damn Worms need help

    I haven't tried this yet but I'm going to. I read about spraying with Garlic Extract.
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    Package with seeds from Nirvana opened and missing seeds

    I just received my long awaited seedless package from Nirvana. What I received was a small bubble wrapped envelope rolled up with a rubber band around it. Inside there was 4" X 7" piece of Yellow heavy bond paper. The print on it said, "Requested Sample, Cheap Sheep" and a label with factious...
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    Please help with my gro room design

    Since I'm a newbee I'm attempting to find which type of growing works for me. I have a lot of questions and I hope you will give me answers if it's not to much problem. I have had success growing one plant outside. It was a female that reached 30" in height. I had to up root it because...
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    The Texas Heat

    I'm in Texas on the coast and it's been really hot. I only have one beauty going at this time. What I'm doing is working with the movement of the sun. I start getting morning sun about 9:30 AM and in the shade by 3:30PM. Almost have to water/feed daily. Good Growing.
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    Welcome New Members!

    I'm new and having a difficult time navigating this site. Where is the area that explains how to use the site?
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    Thanks for making yourself available. It's funny how everyone has their own way of doing...

    Thanks for making yourself available. It's funny how everyone has their own way of doing things. I've tried mimicking but I'm still unsuccessful at getting my seeds to sprout. Perhaps I'm rushing things. Outside how long should I expect to wait to have a sprout to surface? Thanks again
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    Need sprouting tutor

    07-19-2009 04:50 PM - permalink alpha2 I'm a first time grower attempting to get this right. I have read about starting seeds but having little success getting them to sprout. I'm using plastic cups as shown above. In the cup surrounded by potting mix I'm using a...