Search results

  1. I

    f#ck, I BROKE the golden rule, and now I pay for it

    Dude, that's savage. Very savage. When I started smoking I got a lot, a serious lot of shit for just trying it. Admittedly I was a bit young at the time but now nearly everyone I know has done it a couple of times. But my good friends didn't change their opinion of me, so maybe those buddies of...
  2. I

    Faverite time u like to smoke let us know

    I'm a night time smoker. Much more relaxing, your not wasting the day either.
  3. I

    Long Time Smoker, First Time Smoke

    FAQ, the bit I always forget. Thanks a lot, I'll return here if I still have any unanswered questions :)
  4. I

    Long Time Smoker, First Time Smoke

    Hi guys, I just signed up to this sight yesterday. I've been smoking for quite a while now and I figure it's time to start bumping up the operation and not pay the outrageous prices for UK commercial green. I've checked out a few guides but essentially this is what I'm looking for, and I'd like...