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  1. G

    Need a lil help! Wembley feminized + the church!

    hey there this is my 2nd grow and i had a few questions. the church ( the small one ) was started only 2 days after the 2 wembleys and i cant seem to get it to grow for the life of me. also would love any critique or info based on my pics. the 2 wembleys ( bigger ones ) are about 2 days...
  2. G

    day 37 Lowryder #2 need help its very small!!!? :(

    this is one of the 3 females i had of 6. it went 50/50 on female to male ratio. Now this plant is extremely small like 7-8 inches and i have one 2 smaller 4-5 inchs. oddly small even tho their dwarfs. ive attatched 1 pic of the biggest one looks like it might have 8 grams on it tops. and...
  3. G

    Problems with 1 of my lowryder 2's

    Im not sure whats causing the plant to go yellow and look slightly burnt. i have 3 females growing in a hydro setup.for some reason 1 of the 3 is yellow burntish looking. pictures below. the other 2 are just fine and healthy. i emptied my water scrubbed my tub re nuted and ph balanced. it...
  4. G

    18/6 or 24/0 light cycle Lowryder #2 ?!

    i know what the breeder pack says i already purchased them. but as i said ive seen different posts about the light cycle for them and was curious.
  5. G

    18/6 or 24/0 light cycle Lowryder #2 ?!

    I have some Lowryder #2 seeds in a hydroponics kit. I am currently only running my lights at 20/4 hear alot of mixed opinions. If both work which im assuming they do which yields more? heres a pic but its 5 days old quite big now at day 15.
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    Lowryder #2 day 10 !

    they are just regular i was blazed when i purchased and a lil excited ;) i wanted fem but i heard some bad reviews from some of the other seeds i wanted. so i purchased regular seeds instead of feminized
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    Lowryder #2 day 10 ! is the seeds i purchased as i said this is my first time buying seeds and such hey oldreefer mind showing me a pic or 2 so i can compare :D
  8. G

    Lowryder #2 day 10 !

    Hi there this is only my 2nd post and my 2nd time growing but i love my hydroponics kit and thought id share a few pics and such. if you notice anything im missing or have questions feel free :D This day 10 2 hrs in ;) ( i have a timer recording how long since i put the seed in )
  9. G

    Lowryder #2 Autoflowering help

    pics up finally :D
  10. G

    Lowryder #2 Autoflowering help

    didnt have a problem with support last time was thinking it might be the fan i added this time. wasnt sure if leaving it on all day mattered or not.
  11. G

    Lowryder #2 Autoflowering help

    This is my 2nd grow my first being just a regular swag seed tossed into a freshly bought hydroponics kit. From that first seed i got about 35 grams from it but accidentally over nutrient ed it and ended up having to harvest early. My buds were good and very stony definitely chronic. This time...