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  1. J

    Renting House on Lease

    ya if you put it in the closet, better buy a new knob that takes a key to unlock/lock.
  2. J

    Renting House on Lease

    I did it a while back and didnt have any issues. but i kept it all locked away to where it was hidden and smell free. i would be cautious about the owner showing up unannounced and what not.
  3. J

    Subcool's Super Soil

    ok i'll give the sources a shot. thanks...
  4. J

    Subcool's Super Soil

    i'm having the hardest time getting the last bit of ingredients together for the super soil mix. i have visited 3 different places now and can't take the frustration anymore lol. humic acid, epson salt, azomite, and rock phosphate is all i have left to get. does anyone know of a website that i...
  5. J

    Subcool's Super Soil

    ok i have been leaning towards organic soil for my choice in growing cannabis. i really am sold on the step by step method. how much would you say the whole batch costs?