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  1. N

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Yeah exactly like that. what bulbs have you got in those lamps? Im in the UK and the only lamps I can find like this only fit the 11W cfls (because they are screw caps). Nightmare. I want to use 23W bulbs
  2. N

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Hi man. Great info - i'm researching my very first grow and this is very helpful! Quick question though regarding light and the stress training stuff. I'm planning on doing a small grow (just a couple of plants) using only cfls. I'm going to have them in desk lamps (you know like the bendy...
  3. N

    Bagseed, Soil, and CFL's: a Growing Adventure

    Excellent stuff mate, best journal i've seen! Never too many pictures when they look that good. It's encouraging because i'm about to start my first grow and it's good to see you can get so much from just cfls. Which bulbs did you use for which periods (I mean like 6500k or 2700k etc)? Keep...
  4. N

    Success stories ordering to UK? I've got one.

    Cool cool didn't know that. Yeah they came in two days! Amazing.
  5. N

    Does one plant equal one harvest?

    Yeah thats why im growing really. I appreciate both view points but yeah i originally asked if its possible. But now im wondering whether its worthwhile/easier/cheaper etc to reveg or to start from seed again. Any input as to which would be best is welcome.
  6. N

    Growing with CFL's on a budget...

    Good stuff mate. This is interesting to me cos im about to start my first grow with the same light setup as you so I will be watching to see how yours turn out! What seeds did you use?
  7. N

    Success stories ordering to UK? I've got one.

    I'm close to starting my very first grow and have spent hours looking through these forums wondering where is safe and reliable to buy seeds from but most people appear to live in the United States so wasnt sure what to go for. I'm in the UK and ordered from The Attitude Seed Bank...
  8. N

    Does one plant equal one harvest?

    Thanks for all the advice guys and I appreciate the opinion that it may not be worth doing if it takes longer than from seed again (although I guess it's cheaper to not have to buy more seeds!). I think I will try it to see what results I get seeing as you say its definitely possible. If it...
  9. N

    Does one plant equal one harvest?

    This may seem like a stupid question but im new so i dont know! Once one plant has finished budding and is harvested can the same plant then be vegged again and the process repeated? Basically i only want to grow one or two plants at a time and dont want to be making clones so I want to know...
  10. N

    Three Weeks Flowering under CFL's

    Good work mate. it's encouraging to see that you can get so much bud off a few cfls cos i was wondering whether or not it would be worth attempting my first grow. after seeing this i think i will definitely give it a go!
  11. N

    Newbie query regarding conflicting research. Please help!

    Some very good advice guys. Thanks. Judging from growone's pic i think its worth a go! But i will take on board what you said OregonMeds and grow a few to establish the sex then take it from there.
  12. N

    Newbie query regarding conflicting research. Please help!

    thanks for the advice. i was just thinking about using the low wattage cfls and growing one or two plants to see if i can do it. do you think the low wattage ones (they are 23w i think?) would be good enough. i want to use the low wattage ones so i dont spend loads on electricity! and so i...
  13. N

    Newbie query regarding conflicting research. Please help!

    thanks man. i was thinking about 4 cfls for one plant to see how it goes. i want to do it but want it to be worthwhile too!
  14. N

    Newbie query regarding conflicting research. Please help!

    Hi all. Be nice, im new. I've spent hours looking through the forum researching how to start and perform my first grow and have a question that I have seen answered different ways. Can I grow a decent amount of weed (by decent amount I mean enough to cover my costs and effort) of a decent...