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  1. B

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Question for ya: Got clones from the club and they came with roots in cubes. I picked off some of the medium so they would fit in the net pots. Been a few days in the cloner and I am wondering if I should of just cut the clones down to a stem, and then put them in the cloner. Once my system...
  2. B

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Oh the other question I had: Am I correct in understanding that there is never any growing medium required? Just place the cone in the cloner and let em grow? pull up the cups and transfer them into the vegger...and then into the flower unit?
  3. B

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey Stink, YOU ARE THE MAN. This is a great community and people like you make it shine! One quick question. I am replicating your build. No problem understanding the cloning and veg chambers. Now do I need one or three of the flower units? Thanks!!