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  1. M

    Fan leaves dying

    Plants Been flowering about 2 weeks, but my fan leaves are dying but the leaves around the initial bud are green and healthy is this a bad sign???
  2. M

    Big noob here need help

    get a small fan and a cheap P.H Kit be Patience dont overwater or overfert
  3. M

    Help ASAP

    Put my plant into flower about 2 weeks ago using 150w HPS and now seem to be having problems??? look at Pics it from over heating
  4. M

    One Plant , Bag seed, sex question

    WAIT til u can take clones, then flower those for sex
  5. M


    Went to 12/12 about 3 days ago when will fruit start to show?????
  6. M

    Its A GIRL

    co2 made using by puttin yeast sugar water into 2liter soda bottles
  7. M

    Its A GIRL

    Plants is showing Female traits in Veg stage so i switch to 12/12 about 3 days ago and trimed some big ass fan leaves to get light potential bud sites. using a 150 hps adding another in 3 weeks, and homemade co2 Questions is am i doing to much to soon
  8. M

    Female traits

    Does anyone have any tips on the growth charteristics of a possible female plant....example short internode spacing