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  1. G

    I think its about ready? The hairs are orange/starting to brown. PICS

    call this a learning excersize and but a real light
  2. G

    Best Bulb For Lumatek 600w

    any 600 made by ushio
  3. G

    Favorite Song?

    rooster - alice in chains
  4. G

    Temps lights on & off.

    put a piece of styrofoam down on floor under pots. keeps plants much happier thru winter months!
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    Need an Outdoor Ontario STRAIN!

    i'll agree with the northern lights! the weather this fall was cold, wet and dark, and the plants didnt finish off well. still good smoke, but they didnt fill or plump out as i was expecting. i'm also from southern ontario
  6. G

    Curing with cold temps?

    60 -65 is too hi, cure stops around 56%, it will mould at that high, still need regular burping
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    1000w's or 600w's

    more yield with 2 x 600.
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    Mites During Harvest?

    use your shop vac and vac those fuckers up! when you hang your plants or buds, the mites will move to the top. show no mercy and vac their asses!
  9. G

    Candy Striped Leaf Hoppers Help!!

    have only ever seen them on my outdoor grow in the great lakes region. they are harmless
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    has any body used the bio-buzz products

    use their soil - it works
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    Should i start another plant outdoor in ontario? or is it to late

    started my plants for outside last april for ontario summer, you aint pulling shit off by starting now!
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    Help! Eggs found on leaves!!!

    those arent spider mite eggs!
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    High or stoned

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    Leaves flopped overnight

    too hot, not enuf water
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    When does ontario grow flower?

    is that a set of nuts on the first pic? the third pic is what you want to see!
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    When does ontario grow flower?

    last year the ex complained about the skunks around my area! if only she knew!
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    When does ontario grow flower?

    nl#5Xskunk - large plants, looking real spikey, more than normal females indicators for the last week. There gonna stink!
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    When does ontario grow flower?

    showing signs of pistles over the last day or so, it is time!
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    what would be a fair way to split this?

    sounds like you are treating him more than fairly, lets hope that billy doesnt get greedy!